Hate me

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Oikwara pulling away from Iwaizumi

"Stop touching me your being too rough"

Oikwara says, but why isn't that what boyfriends do? They love each other, I'm sorry I don't know how to be gentle when all I've taught been all is aggressive.

'Why don't you love me'
Was it something I did? I'm sorry I tend to mess up things when it's finally getting good. Was it because I wasn't ready to have sex? I was scared and scarred from the past I'm sorry I couldn't satisfy The way he could.

"Your being too clingy"
sorry I dont mean too be I'm just not use affect so when I got it I never wanna let it go.

"You weren't enough For me I-im sorry"

I'm not surprised I'm the world's biggest fuck up, Nothing about me is special Im tainted it's disgusting How easily a moment in your life can change things about you, rather it is a good moment or a bad moment.

Im disgusting I can still feel them the floaty hands and bite marks I'm horrendous for letting it happen.

But here Im am
I won't scream or cry. Their nothing that I wanted more than you.
I didn't know it was possible to break the broken, but here we are.

Watching you bounce on top of him, letting him have his way, you love him That's fine I always knew that you were gonna leave me in the dust, I wasn't important too as much as he is to you. I've should have known something was up when you told me your just friends. I know you oikwara I know your more then just friends
I know that I am nothing but a peer toy, only to be used when you need love and attention, my feelings never mattered I get it now.

Here I am I prepared myself for the heartbreak you open my doors only to have them be flooded by pain and discomfort, and I hate you for it.

"I understand I'll go see you on Monday Oikawa"

I won't be seeing on Monday
I hope you can forgive me

Toru Oikawa

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