Chapter 11: Cleopatra?!

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Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.....
Rose POV:

After the king- Seonghwa left me in my room I felt myself getting angry. I was fed the fuck up with these fuckers inside of me, and its bout time I address it. A spell popped in my head, it was a summing spell and it was in Japanese. Somehow I could understand it and spoke the words that appeared in my vision. Three or four minutes saying the same words in the spell my room went black. I was sitting in my bed crossed legged when I first started the spell but now I'm floating, still crossed legged.

  I opened my eyes and I couldn't see anything, I could only hear what was happening, since my room was black. I heard glass break and something got thrown across the room. I jumped slightly then I heard voices, it sounded like mice trying to speak words. I tried my best not to scream or scratch my arms, cause I thought this was a dream but it felt too real. My body was lowered back onto my bed, I sighed but jumped hard as hell when my bed dipped. Someone or something was getting in the bed with me.

  Before the lights popped back on, I heard more glass break things was being thrown faster and everywhere. But on of the most creepiest things were, children crying and some were laughing. When the lights came back on I screamed and fell out of my bed. It was 7 supernatural deadly looking things sitting on my bed (Pink, blue, gold, orange, green, gray, red). I got up and rubbed what I thought was sleep out of my eyes. When I opened them again all of those things were staring at me like I was the imposter. I got back in the middle of my bed and crossed my legs. I pinched myself just to make sure I wasn't dead or asleep. I'm alive! I nearly cried, but out of everyone I noticed one familiar eye color, and that was the one with gold eyes. She was staring at me this entire time, while the others looked around or looked me up and down.

"What the hell is going on?"

No one seemed to take me seriously, I guess without them I'm just a puny human

"Exactly. Why the hell do you need to speak to us?"

The gold eyed monster said, just looking at her in the light made me shiver with fright

"You never gave me an answer goldie!"

She looked annoyed at me, she gave the others a look and they literally zipped their mouth shut and gave her the keys

"What's your fucking question, human?"

This was the creepiest thing I have witnessed in the past 19 years of living

"Who are you and all of......them?"

The other animals or monsters looked offended by the way I put it

"We're you but as different supernatural creatures."

I rolled my eyes at her, obviously annoyed

"No shit Sherman. What kind of creatures goldie?"

Every time I say goldie the one with orange eyes looks up and waves her hands at me

"For starters my name isn't goldie the one with orange eyes is named golden and that's her nickname, don't ever mistake me for her, EVER again. As for the introductions: The one with the green eyes is named Daniella she has the element of the earth. The pink eyed one is Bella she has fairy like powers. The gray eyed one is Annette her element is the wind and her power is a shape shifter. The orange eyed one is named Golden/goldie she is a werewolf. Blue eyed bitch is named Elsa because she has the power of and ice queen but she also has the element of water. And last but not least is Atlantis she has the element of fire which means your anger also come from her, but she also has the power of a very mighty witch."

Golden looked at me and put her thumbs up as if claiming the name for herself

"Aren't you forgetting someone. Um what the hell is your name?"

Gold eyed monster bitch, moved from standing to sitting in front of me on my bed

"I'm the leader of this pack, human."

I threw my hands in the air out of frustration, she's obviously avoiding the question

"What is YOUR fucking name BITCH!?"

I kinda got scared when I said that cause she looked calm, dangerously calm

"My name is Cleopatra I'm a vampire and the queen of Gehenna in other words Hell."

I fell back on my bed and threw my hands up

"Thank you for finally answering my fucking question Cleo-"

I stopped and sat back up, and eyed her, I heard that name before

"The fuck you staring at human?"

Suddenly her name and where I knew her from clicked in my head


She didn't jump, she just rubbed her ears and nodded, though the others wasn't so lucky they covered their ears and growled at me

"Thats my fucking name, I rather you not wear that bitch out. Believe it or not I'm good at ignoring bitches no matter how loud you scream."

I was offended by this but I don't know why

"The fuck you mean by that bitch?"

Cleopatra only smiled at me and shook her head

"You haven't changed a bit, I can still get under your skin so easy."

She laughed at me and that pissed me off, a sudden rage coursed through me and I charged for her

  I knew exactly what she was about to do, just like old times. When I charged I saw her shoulder move back that was her way of flinging me away. But instead of letting her win I grabbed her arm and we both slammed into the floor. I got up first but she was quicker, she grabbed my leg and threw me into my metal room door. Even though that shit stung, I got back up and blocked her next attack, with her supernatural powers she could easily snap me like a twig, but she wanted to see how long I could stand.

  When she swung I moved my head and by the grace of the gods her hand hit the metal, she basically put a big ass hole right there as well. I used that opportunity to swing and I successfully punched her hard as fuck in the face, she fell back a little. I moved away fro the door while she was distracted and got behind her, I lifted my leg all the way up to her back and kicked her into the door. I had the upper hand for now, I knew she would get angry soon, but who cares. As soon as I let my guard down she pushed herself off the door and dodged my next punch like it wasn't shit. She picked me up by the waist a slammed me on the ground with full force, I screamed in pain blood was starting to drip out of my mouth. I still got up and charged though my moves were a little slower now, I wiped the blood off my mouth. I remembered what she taught me, hair pulling is for losers.

  She looked stunned that I got back up, cause back then that one move would always make me tap out. We watched each others next moves as we moved around in a circle. She pulled her sword out of her heart and Golden passed me one, it was time to sword fight.

"I don't want to continue, this will be difficult for me cause I'm only human."

I tried to tap out but she shook her head no

"Have I taught you nothing! Don't say its difficult when you have not even tried."

I knew I wouldn't be getting out of this....

Pray for me.........

Hey dust bunnies part 2 of this also known as chapter 12 is coming out soon. I have to go update Fatal Love Chapter 1. I hope you guys loved this chapter let me know what you beautiful babies think in the comments. I love you all have a good rest of your day/night byeeeee!!!!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with others who might like this kind of action!!! See ya soon byeeee!!!!!


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