Addison Rae : my angel 😇💜 she's growing up too fast!

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Addison Rae : my angel 😇💜 she's growing up too fast!

When I opened the door  I saw Bryce standing in front of the car with two bouquets of roses a small one and a bigger one

He walked over to me and kissed my cheek

"This is for you beautiful "

"Aww Bryce I love you baby "

"Love you more angel"

Belle POV

Daddy gave mommy some very pretty flowers

He then gave me pretty flowers too!!!!

"I couldn't forget about my other princess now could I "

Daddy kissed my cheek and gave me flowers

I jumped to him and he catched me

I love my daddy and my mommy !!!!

Bryce POV

"Both of my babies look stunning"

I opened the door for Addi and then buckled Belle up in her car seat

We decided to go for coffee before we went to the movies Addi looked beautiful as always I took a picture of her she was gorgeous

I was about to post it when she stopped me

" Bryce no I literally look so bad"

I stared at her in shock how can she think that when she's a literal goddess

"Don't you daré say that Baby you look gorgeous "

"Babe I'm literally wearing a crop top and jeans" she laughed

"Exactly and you look beyond beautiful my love " I gave her a sweet but memorable kiss

"And btw still posting"

Bryce Hall: can you believe this gorgeous woman said she didn't look good! My baby is beautiful ❤️

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Bryce Hall: can you believe this gorgeous woman said she didn't look good! My baby is beautiful ❤️

When we got to the movies Belle had fallen asleep so I Carried her inside but she got woken up by the noise and started crying

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