And Now We Are One

Start from the beginning

"Sorry about that, we had to make sure you both were the ones he spoke of." Arthur chuckled before laughing at how long it took to get straight answers from the young man.

Arthur took a seat on one of the chairs in the room, as Robb closed the door while Jon stood silent leaning against the wall.

"I need to speak with you both, I've already spoken with Jon about it back at Casterly Rock, and once more before we got here."

Dany watched as Arthur looked at her specifically while Jon remained silent.

"Daenerys this involves you also, you can say no to my plan, it's your life and life-altering choice to make."

Dany felt as though she dreaded whatever Arthur was going to tell her. "What are you asking of me, Arthur? And why does it involve lord Stark?"

Arthur took a deep breath gathering his thoughts to make them into a sentence. "I know Jon offered you both safety in the North, but the northern lords and the ladies there are a gossipy bunch of assholes. Word might get back to your parents about you living at Winterfell along with Rhaenys. You know it would hurt both Rhaella and Aerys and their business if rumors spread that you ran off to the North and became Jon's bedwarmer."

Dany blurted out at that moment. "But I'm not, I didn't even know where I was once I woke up on that ship."

"I understand Daenerys, but you know how people are," Arthur replied.

She knew the man wasn't lying, some people were already saying Rhaegar was driven mad before he left Westeros. She was sure Cersei was the one who started it.

"What is it that you want me to do Arthur? and why does it involve lord Stark?" Dany asked once more though she already knew what was going to be said.

Arthur rose off the bed making his way over towards her, holding her shoulder, "I think you and Jon should marry, it would allow for both you and Rhaenys to keep your honor intact. You would be Jon's wife and Rhaenys would be there with you just to keep your company, or just be your personal handmaiden if you want."

Dany was speechless at that moment, she opened her mouth to speak, avoiding Jon at that moment. Yet no words were able to come from her mouth. When she finally managed to say something after the shock wore off the only words she could mumble were. "I need time to think."

"I don't mean to rush you Dany, but you need to let us know what you decide, the wedding can happen at Riverrun, Lord Tully has already given consent to host the wedding there and find a septon willing to do the marriage on short notice."

That was fast. She wanted to say. "I understand Arthur, I just need to think about it first."

He offered her a small smile while Robb opened the door, Dany still kept her eyes away from looking at Jon but was sure the young man was looking at her the entire time, as Rhaenys closed the door.

"Want to talk about it?" Rhaenys offered, as Dany sat on the bed feeling defeated.

Rhaenys took her hand in hers. "I'm not going to try and convince you that doing this doesn't help us, instead of us going off to Essos, to find my father where anything could happen. This is your choice to make Dany."

"Don't you mean, it's a choice between Jon and me? What if he doesn't like me that way?"

Rhaenys wanted to say something to her, but memories of Viserys attacking them both and Dany falling to the floor was something she had been trying to block out of her mind, pushing it to the furthest corners like all bad memories.

"Do you at least like him Dany?"

If she was, to be honest with herself at that moment, she didn't know what she felt for Lord Stark, not since that day of arriving at Casterly Rock, where she spotted both him and Robb chatting with Myrcella.

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