Misunderstanding Creates Chaos

Start from the beginning

That final bit made All Might and Aizawa furious. They said they would look into it and both left in a huff. Mom sighed before suddenly getting an evil grin, "Izuku, how about you and I make some more homebrew spells and items?" I walked in and spent a hours making a collection of prank spells to use on heros who attack me tomorrow. I might have to make a villain persona for tomorrow for when I prank stupid heroes just in it for fame and money.

After a good night of sleep I decide to create a villain version of me. Using my new changeling body I created a new look just to mess with people. My new look was based of an ancient cartoon series called Street Sharks. I turned into a black so dark it kinda looked like I was a mess up in photoshop, I made my teeth, jaw, and claws into metal, and I made sure to increase my muscle mass as I became a great white shark human hybrid.

With my look decided on I showed Mom. She liked it but had me add some neon green markings to make glow when roaring. With that all set up I used a warping spell to end up in the center of town way up in the air. As I came down I roared and ate a tunnel into the ground. As I dug around I made sure to avoid the plumbing and wiring underground. After some digging I found some villains underground base.

I found a small girl and after calming her down I looked them over. She was covered in scars, bloody wounds, and she was so skinny it was obvious she was malnourished. "What's your name little girl?" She sniffled, "I'm Eri, are you one of Overhauls men?" I shook my head and motioned her to stay quiet. I quickly healed her and headed through the tunnels. As I explored I found an old man on life support and quickly healed him as well.

He was about to freak out until Eri tackled him. "Grandpa you're finally ok!!" He chuckled and I motioned for him and Eri to follow me out. As I dug a way out Overhaul showed up. "Chisaki, what have you done to me and Eri?" "My name is Overhaul now old man. I'm going to erase quirks using Eri's blood now this time you die." I heard an odd noise and someone coughing up blood.

"Mysterious savior, protect Eri. I give you my blessing to raise her. Please save my granddaughter from this madman." I turned and saw from the wall around Overhauls hand spikes had speared the old man. With a growl I pulled out my replicator bag, "Queen it's time for a feast. Activate the Naquada Swarm." Out came a bunch of glowing Replicators but these ones pieces are triangles and much sharper.

One cut the spikes as I rehealed the old man while the rest attacked Overhaul and his goons. I quickly got him and Eri out of the basement and pointed him in the direction of the police station. As they headed that way Overhaul popped out of the ground and completely eviscerated the old man. Eri screamed and I reverted to my real look as a changeling. "What did you just do Overhaul?"

Overhaul growled, "I just killed an obstacle between me and erasing all quirks. You are the next one." He sent spikes at me only for my Naquada Swarm to chop them down. That's when Queen crawled out of my bag and yelled, "Ok plague doc wanna be, you're now going to pay. Babies!!" The Replicator Blocks of all my swarms, the basics like Queen, the wooden Lacquer Swarm, Whiplicator Squadron, and one of my newer creation the Elementals. The Elementals are literally made of fire, water, earth, and air.

After a couple of minutes of them distracting Overhaul I got my wits together and decided to be very showy. "Elemental Formation. The wind blows, fire burns, the rain falls, and the earth crumbles." As I said that phrase the Elementals formed a ring around me and a beam of light surrounded me.

Once the light vanished I stood there as a being of pure energy. I walked over to Overhaul absorbing every spike, bullet, and his minions. Yes the heartless bastard used his own hench men as weapons against me. Now I am beyond furious and this bastard will pay. With a swipe of my hand I cut off both of his hands and cauterized the cuts.

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