Night out with the Jones

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Finally, the sun started to set.
Today is still Saturday. No, I didn't forget to pick Eli up from the Train Station. He's supposed to get here tomorrow around noon, so I have enough time to do whatever before he gets here.

G: You guys ready?
I: Hold on I gotta use the bathroom. ADAM HURRY YOUR ASS UP.
G: You can just use my bathroom.
I: Oh. Don't mind me then.

Isabel I cant with you.
And after she finally left the bathroom, we were on our way to wherever George was taking us.

M: What car are we taking?
G: I'll let you guess. Hint; its not out here.
M: In the Garage?
G: Yes ma'am.

The Garage door opened to a nice looking car, painted in black with red stripes. I know Eli is into cars so he'll definitely get along with George and Mira.

M: What car is this?
G: a 2010 Shelby GT500 super snake.
A: Oh my god when did you get this?
G: A few weeks ago. It was on sale for about 30K and has 15K miles on it. So...basically we're going to have lots of fun.
M: Tell me more.

I didn't know anything about this car or what he was saying, but I was in love with him and his intelligence. I just love hearing about something someone's passionate about. I might not know what they're saying, but as long as it makes them happy then I'm happy too.

G: It has a 750 horsepower 5.4 liter V8, and can do 0-60 in 4 seconds.
M: What does that mean?
I: It just means if you were to drive from 0-60 miles per hour, full throttle, you would get to 60 miles per hour in 4 seconds.

Thank you I guess.

But before we got in, George got in and started his car, then revved it up only for the car to let out a loud, ear popping, and echoing engine rev. We all covered out ears while George cheered and did it again. I actually found it pretty satisfying! The way the ground vibrates just hits different.
You wanna know what else hits different? George with glasses.


Luckily I got to sit up front with the man I love the most. We pulled out of the driveway and we just...enjoyed the ride.

M: Why is it screaming?
G: That's the-
A: Supercharger.
G: Thank you, Adam. The supercharger is what's making that screaming noise.

The GPS came on and told us the place was an hour and some change away, so this ride shouldn't be bad.

We were on I 95 in just a few minutes, entering Maryland crossing the Potomac River. George rolled the windows down and sped up to 100 miles per hour, which had my heartbeat getting faster and faster because who knows what could happen.


I have the best music taste out of everyone, well Isabels taste is elite too. It's exactly why I started streaming Detention by Melanie Martinez.

I: I love this song so much bro.
M: For real though.

When the hook finally came on, George sped up and me and Isabel were singing along with Adam and George catching our vibe soon after.

M: How far are we?
G: An hour away.

The place was at a beach near Baltimore; Rocky Point Beach.

An hour later and we finally arrive at the place with Adam knocked out in the back. I brought some snacks with us so we'll be satisfied while here because why go out to a random place and not bring anything to eat.

I: Adam.
A: Hmm?
I: Get up. We're here.
A: About time.

As soon as we got out, we were welcomed by the cool early fall breeze. I got out our snacks and the chairs that I didn't even know we had and walked to the beach with the moon illuminating the horizon.

Friends With Benefits: A George Jones StoryWhere stories live. Discover now