She broke down, curling into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth. She may have never met her mother, but knowing that her mother was out there during that war fighting for good, a mother that she could've been with this broke her heart.

* * *

Leema felt herself being picked up, she didn't really care. She seemed lost in her thoughts, her face dry with tears. Leema was sure it was her father as she laid her head on his shoulder, lying with her eyes closed in the crook of his neck, she could feel his cold skin.

He ran his hand through her hair and she relaxed the tension in her body slightly. "Can you tell me more about my family," Leema murmured.

Leema felt Loki nod as he comforted her. "Your mother as you know was Lea the Goddess of Mystery. She was part frost giant like me. She was a loyal Valkyrie. Your grandfather is Odin, your grandmother Frigga. Thor is your uncle," he whispered, "Lea doesn't know her mother- only her father - Vidar. I don't know my birth parents either. Believe it or not your godmother is Lyra and your godfather is Fandral... sadly. You also... have a brother."

Leema wanted to laugh but as she fell asleep she was too focused on the fact that Loki said she had a brother.

* * *

Leema woke, sitting up instantly. A brother!? Leema leaped out of bed and raced out the door to the kitchen.

"You're my godmother and you never told me!?" She said to Lyra first.

Lyra smiled and nodded. "I don't know if I fit the role, but I find myself fine with it."

"I have a brother!?" She yelled at Loki now, who was pouring a cup of apple juice for her.

Loki bit his lip. "Yep."

Leema looked at his expression. "He's dead isn't he."

"No," Loki laughed, "Your brother is not dead."

"Well then why...."

"Your brother's a complicated person. He left us at age fifteen on Midgard terms he was fifteen. Then three years later we had you. So I expect in the Midgard years he's twenty seven now." Loki walked over and set the cup on the table.

"Wait, left you?"

Loki nodded as she climbed up into the chair and took the cup of apple juice. "He was banished because of my father," Loki growled.


"Because he's the God of Chaos." Loki said simply, sitting in the chair across from Leema. "If he shows his face in Asgard again he'll be locked up."

"You know your children seem to both be you," Lyra said, leaning back in her chair, "Rinolo also had your magic and he looked up to you a lot. He had a desire for the throne like you and he also was as mischievous as you maybe more. Poor Lea, always making sure that boy wasn't causing trouble, barely getting her sleep into the mix. Leema has your magic, she's mischievous, but she does have her mother's spirit."

Loki smiled. "Leema does have her mother's spirit."

"Can you tell me more about her?"

"She knew magic like me as well, but she used it for others as well as herself not for her own benefits. She was no ordinary person. She could see through my every lie, every trick, and every fault. She was loyal and she never put her needs before others. Sometimes I think she deserved more than me."

Leema smiled. "She sounds like a great person."

Loki nodded. "She was."

Leema took a sip of her apple juice then set it back down. "Wait, so my brother is the God of Chaos. Where did he go?"

"No one knows," Lyra answered for Loki. "He is not one anyone should anger. He is a delicate person, but like Loki's ice wall melted for Lea I'm sure someone will do the same for Rinolo, even if it takes a while."

Leema finished her apple juice and looked back at Loki. "Do you know what happened at Loila's trial?"

"Yes. She's free, do not worry, but she can not leave Asgard for a time."

Leema looked around the house. "Why can't we go somewhere else like to a park or diner or something!"

"We have to stay hidden. For now Lyra will do the shopping."

Lyra nodded and got up from her chair. "Speaking of which I got to go now and get some more food for us."

Leema said, "Okay." as Lyra disappeared.

"So what do you wanna do?" Loki asked.

Leema shrugged. "Can we go outside?"

Loki nodded and took Leema outside with a smile. Leema smiled back as she ran around. They practiced magic for a time as well, but in the middle of a spell Lyra appeared, at least her image did.

"Thor is coming for me," she said hurriedly, "Heimdall must know I'm with you guys. I'm not gonna come back for a while. I'll teleport what I got back to you but if I come to Heimdall will track me to your location. I'm gonna have to keep on the run for a time being since Heimdall's tracking me. I'll come back as soon as I can. Stay safe. And think of going to another place. Thor gets a hold of me and brings me to S.H.I.E.L.D. they may get some information out of me but I won't say a single thing for as long as I can. Farewell I have to go, he's here." And her image disappeared, replaced by a pile of groceries.

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now