The Goddess Of Shadows

Start from the beginning

Steve tried to comfort her, but there was nothing he could say that would make her feel better. He looked at her sympathetically then left the room. She screamed trying to break from the restraints as she cried. A doctor rushed in and she felt a prick in her wrist. She faded into black as she said one thing before the doctor left, "What am I others may ask.... I'll tell you.... I'm a monster...."

* * *

Leema stared at her ceiling. It had to be Monday by now. She had spent the last day and a half screaming her head off whenever she woke from the sedative, and every time she fell back into sleep which is where she wanted to stay.

Now, she seemed to have lost her voice, she was tired, she hadn't eaten since Friday/Saturday, and she had lost herself. Thor was yet to visit her, in fact she was left alone to stare at the wall.


Leema slowly moved her head sadly to see Loki's illusion standing on the other side of the room. She blinked. a slow tear slid down her face as she turned her head and stared back at the wall, unable to reply.

"Darling, Rinolo told me what happened. Are you okay?"

Leema just gave a small nod without looking at him.

"How dare they treat you like this." Loki walked over.

"Can you blame them?" She managed to rasp.

"Yes, indeed I can. You haven't learned how to control this... thing yet. They can't blame you for that."

"Heh, yeah sure," Leema said gruffly, "Rinolo tell you how I'm the Goddess of Shadows?"

"He figured," Loki said quietly.

Leema couldn't bear to look at him as he stood over her so she looked at the wall.

"Leema, look at me."

Leema hesitated then slowly looked up at him.

"Show me."

"Show you what?"

"Your form."

"What form? The one that almost destroyed Asgard? Yeah, no, sorry."

"No, your human shadow form."

"I can't...." Leema looked away as she lied.

"Yes you can."

Leema sighed. "Why do I need to do this?"

"So you can learn to control it."

Leema looked back at him and squeezed her eyes shut. She let the shadows begin to whirl around her wrist and she felt her shadow wings stretching out uncomfortably. When she opened her eyes they were purely black and she looked at Loki, her eyes unreadable.

Loki looked at her form with interest. "So you've already mastered how to become this form, and how to use the shadow. But you don't know how to control your shadow form or how to work those wings or the actual shadows itself."

"Yes, basically I don't know how to do anything with my power dad," Leema said angrily as she let the shadows fade, returning to her normal self.

"You will learn. You must convince Thor to let Rinolo, Lyra, and I go so we can help you."

Leema nodded as he disappeared. Leema lied there for a little bit, it wasn't like she could do anything else. She was surprised as she saw Thor walk in.

"Hey Leema."

Leema didn't waste any time. "Hey, look I figured out I'm the Goddess of Shadows and I need to learn how to control this new ability of mine. The only people who have experience with this or magic are Rinolo, Loki, and Lyra. If I want to learn I need them to teach me how to control it, which means they need to come back out of prison." Leema took a breath, her throat burning now.

Thor looked on for a moment and then he turned and left the room. Leema would've called after him, but no sound came out as she opened her mouth. She closed her eyes, wanting to fall into sleep again. And she did.

* * *

She woke up to echoing voices. Leema looked around and her eyes fell on the vent. She didn't feel in the mood to eavesdrop, but she couldn't go anywhere else and their voices wouldn't let her sleep.

She huffed and decided to listen.

"We are not letting Loki out." Tony said firmly. "And based on what you've told me about Leema's brother and Lyra, we are sure not gonna let them out either."

"She has a point though, she needs to learn to control it." Steve argued.

"Sure let's just let three of the most dangerous gods out to train a newer goddess that is only nine years old! And let them teach her to grow up to be like them, great idea guys, just great," Tony said sarcastically and Leema could imagine him leaning back in his chair, staring down Steve.

"Well, would you rather be forced to have her tied to her bed the rest of her now five thousand year goddess life?" Steve shot back.

"That will not happen," Thor declared.

"Well, what are we gonna do then?" Dr. Banner asked.

"I don't know, I must talk to my father about this," Thor said.

The voices faded and Leema was left in silence.

* * *

It was Wednesday when Leema was able to talk again and she was starving. "Jarvis?"

"Yes Lady Leema?" a voice replied.

"Can you please tell the Avengers I'm starving and if they want me to starve to death to get rid of me they're gonna have to try harder."

"Of course."

Leema laughed. Jarvis would tell anyone anything if you told him too.

Later Natasha walked in with a plate of food and Leema let out a breath of relief. "Thank god."

Natasha smiled as she untied me. "Don't tell."

Leema quickly nodded, rubbing the raw skin on her wrists. She winced then sat up as Natasha set the plate on her lap. It had a bowl of Cheerios and red berries. Natasha sat near her as Leema quickly ate as if someone was gonna take it from her.

"I'm sorry Leema I-"

"I know you have to tie me back down," Leema interrupted with a sigh as she lied back down.

Natasha nodded and although she looked like she regretted it she tied her down again and left the room, leaving Leema by herself once more.

"What mighty heroes," Leema muttered crossly.

* * *

Leema was shaken awake and the first thing she noticed was that her restraints were gone. She opened her eyes to see her uncle.

"Alright, we can take you to go train with your father and brother, but this is your choice. You'll have to be in a cell with them, understand?"

Leema nodded quickly.

"Let's go then."

Loki's Complications: The Daughter Of Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now