Chapter Forty-Eight: A Mother's Love

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WARNING: Contains homophobic language and attitudes. Also includes manipulation and mentions of conversion therapy. Be careful reading.

My Dearest Son,

I understand you've been confused, which is only natural as I've been gone for so long. But it is a mother's duty to protect and direct her child.

            As such, I must tell you what disgrace you've been to this family. I've read the article. I know you know which one I am referencing, and I have never been so embarrassed before. You have brought shame upon the family. You're just lucky your father isn't capable of understanding what you've done. It's disgusting.

             I will not tolerate such behavior, especially with a boy such as Harry Potter. He's the reason your father was kissed, in case you've forgotten. He refused to speak on his behalf.

            There's a therapy group you will be joining immediately, and you will cease your sessions with Althea. I don't know what she's been telling you, but I'm sure it's disgraceful.

            In addition, we need to speak about the running of the family businesses. You must turn them over to me immediately.

            I only have your best interest at heart.

            All my love,

            Your Mother

            Mother –

            I am not confused, and you do not need to direct me in any way, shape or form. I am a grown man and not subject to your demands anymore. The sooner you understand this, the better for whatever relationship we may or may not have.

            Your right, I am a disgrace to the name of Malfoy, and I've never been more proud of myself. My only regret is that Father isn't in his right mind to appreciate all that I've done to rectify the public opinion of the Malfoys. Although I don't miss the beating he'd try to inflict on me to 'beat the gay away' as he would have put it. How did it feel, Mother, to step aside as your only son was beaten repeatedly by his father? Was it entertaining for you?

            In case you've forgotten, the only reason Father is where he is now is because of his own actions. Harry Potter didn't make him do any of the things that he did. He did them on his own, and now the repercussions have arrived. The only reason Harry and the Golden Trio spoke on our behalf was because we actively helped them. Don't forget that mother – if you'd let Harry Potter die, then Father wouldn't have been kissed. You are more responsible than he ever will be.

            I will not be joining any therapy group you recommend – I like myself just the way I am and refuse to be convinced I am dirty or wrong. Keep your conversion therapy to yourself.

            As to Althea, I will continue to see her, not only because it is mandated, but because I want to. She has helped me more than I can put into words.

            We do not need to speak about how I'm running our interests, and I will not be handing them over to you. They're passed to the male heir, and you are not it. I will run them as I see fit, and only that way.

            You are selfish.

            Your son,

            Draco Malfoy


            The tone in your last letter was distressing. There was no need to write to me in such a fashion when I only am trying to help you.

            If you won't go to therapy, then let me arrange a nice marriage for you. You don't need to love her; she just needs to be from a good pureblood family. Let me help you rectify the situation.

            Your mother,

            Narcissa Malfoy


            No. I will not marry a woman and hide. Understand me – this is who I am, and I am not going to pretend otherwise.



            This isn't you. You've been corrupted. Let me help. We can fix this.

            Your Mother


            I have not been corrupted by anyone or anything. Why can't you just love me and understand that I'm alright just the way I am?



            I do love you; you're just wrong. So very wrong.



            I will not change.



            Fine. I will not speak of it more at this time; just understand where I stand. We still need to discuss business.



            No, we don't.


            Draco Lucius Malfoy,

            You will be at the manor on Saturday at 3 pm.

            No excuses.



            If I must.


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