01 (Edited)

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"Turn to page 16. Today, in class, we're discussing cerebral odyssey, delving into the enigmatic realms of the human brain," Mr. Foster announced.

That's all Malakia heard before her mind drifted away, finding more interest in the sky outside.

Thinking about their upcoming trip, Malakia wasn't keen on Jamaica, leaning more towards the Maldives or Mauritius.

However, family ties tugged at her decision. Mrs. Kahale, wanting to share her roots, had plans for the Caribbean. As a 19-year-old, Malakia felt torn between her Caribbean mom and Hawaiian dad.

Victor's tap on her shoulder brought her back to the classroom, where Mr. Foster was looking less than pleased.

"Miss Kahale, would you mind repeating what I just said?" Mr. Foster asked.

The bell rang, ending the class. Relief washed over her, but Mr. Foster's stern look lingered.

Packing her books, she tried to avoid him, but he caught up, warning her about her recent slacking.

"What's up with you? You were totally out of it today!" Yasmin, her friend, inquired.

"Urkel is forever on my case," Malakia replied, rolling her eyes.

Yasmin laughed, "Uh uh, not Urkel! You're so wrong for that."

Malakia explained her hesitation about the Caribbean trip, and Yasmin tried to lighten the mood with talk of Jamaica.

"I heard the men there are hung and really attractive," Yasmin teased.

"You are disgusting!" Malakia retorted, joining the laughter.

Their conversation was interrupted by Malakia's phone beeping. It was time to go. Yasmin got emotional, and they shared a tight hug.

"Go now, and don't forget my souvenirs. Get me a man if you will, please," Yasmin joked.

"I'll ask Xander first if he wouldn't mind sharing you with a Jamaican 'hunk,'" Malakia smirked, getting into her black Range Rover Evoque.

"Girl, go die," Yasmin laughed, turning towards her red BMW M4.

From ❤️Ma:

Stop at Sarah's. We're getting our nails and hair done. Please hurry.

To ❤️Ma:

See you now. x

Malakia swiftly responded to her mother's message, promising to join her shortly.

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