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//Name: Luna

//Real name: Lillian Drew

//Age: Unknown

//Gender: Female

//Sexuality: Bisexual

//Pronouns: She/her




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//Role in the game: Luna is a character that once encountered will help Henry and will guide him through the game

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//Role in the game: Luna is a character that once encountered will help Henry and will guide him through the game

//Persobality: Luna is a rather distant and cold personality. She doesn't show much emotion due to being used to hide everything. She rarely smiles, laughs or sometimes talk. It's unknown for other characters why she helps Henry with his quest since she doesn't like yo say anything. Luna can also be stubborn and quite sarcastic. She is cool and doesn't loose her temper often, but when she does the hell unfolds because one her temper is lost so are her bottled up emotions. The real Luna is broken and scared of the world around her, scared of what she is. The only ones who saw this side of her are Alison and Tom.

//Backstory: Luna's backstory can be heard in one of the tapes. It was recorded by Luna, but unfortunately she lost the tape in one of the Ink Demon attacks


Speaker: Unknown

"Hello? Does this work? Can you hear me? You probably don't know me... maybe I don't know you as well. I honestly don't know who I am anymore. But I'm recording this to say a story. It's about a girl. The creator's daughter: Lillian Drew. She is the daughter if Joey Drew, or at least she was. Her mother died when she was very young and her father was very protective with her. Lillian was a sickly child with a frail body. She was ill...very ill and no doctor could cure her. They said she would be lucky if she would reach the age if 20. Lillian was a fan if cartoons so her father wanted to create a cartoon for her. And this is how Bendy was born along with his friends. Another important character was created then: Luna. She was supposed to be Bendy's love interest just like Minnie for Mickey Mouse. Lillian loved the cartoon, but as she grew older, she grew sicker and Joey wnated to help her. I don't know what he saw or where, but when he bought the Ink machine, he knew what it could do. He wanted to give life to the characters. The first one was Bendy... but it didn't turn out great. He was like a monster without a soul. Or so they thought. He had a soul... all of them had.. except for one. Luna. When she was created she didn't move. She looked asleep or actually lifeless. And that's when the madman had an idea... Lillian's condition for worse and worse and at the age if 19 she finally died, free from the pain she endured for 19 years. But her father couldn't bear the loss of her daughter so he did what no one thought it was possible. The madman transferred his daughter's soul into Luna's body and so Lillian became one of them... a monster. I forgot to tell you. Lillian loved cartoons, but she hated what his father did to the Bendy cartoon...bringing the characters to life seemed insane.. and it was. She never liked those versions and now she was one of them. She hated it with all of her heart... and most of all she hated her father.

Her anger didn't last that long since Bendy killed all of them and Joey abandoned them there, in that dumb fabric where everyone tried to hide from the Ink Demon. Lillian's anger was replaced by something else... a strong will to get revenge not only on her father, but on the Ink Demon himself. It was ironic. She was supposed to be his girlfriend and stay by his side, but all she wanted was to kill him for being the reason they were trapped there.

You may wonder how I know this. The truth is I am Luna... or rather Lillian Drew, daughter of that madman I am ashamed to call father. And this is my story. I'm not sure if this recording will ever be found... maybe one day I'll feel confident enough to let it loose around but for now maybe not.

I'll wait for the perfect moment.. I'll wait for you to come. My purpose is to help and guide you. So all I am left to say is

Good luck,

Uncle Henry


~Luna has a secret room she lives in that no one knows about. It has a bed, a nightstand (no one knows how she found those), some old shelves and a video projector that she uses to watch cartoons from time to time
~When she's not there she's with Allison and Tom or with Henry (when he come). They are her best friends and the only ones who knows the real her. But they don't know her past
~Luna lost the tape recording when Bendy attacked the former base of her friends. Little did she know that now, the demon knows who or what she is as well.
~Luna is some kind of demon. She also has some powers due to the merging of her soul and her new body. She is able to levitate things, manipulate things and sometimes have short future visions that would cause her migraines. That's how she knew Henry would come
~She helps him because she considers him part of her family since he was so close to Joey

Love interest: Bendy


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