Chapter seven

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Author's POV

The ray of sunshine is up, Tine phone keep alarming. While his eyes close, he tried to find his phone and after finding it, he turned it off. Tine rubbed his eyes and slowly opened it. His mind still asleep but upon seeing he was laying down at Sarawat arm, he was startled. "Ai'Shia!" He get up and rubbed his hair. "Oiii.." He remember that he put his stuffed toys at the middle but still he end up hugging him. Tine have a habit of hugging someone while sleeping that's why he always have the carrots besides him. He also surprised when he saw Sarawat top pajama is missing. "Alai-wa." He then tried to wake him up. "Wat. Sarawat.. wake up already. Wat.." Sarawat still dead asleep like. He then decided to pulled him up, but he remove the quilt first. His eyes widened when he saw Sarawat nakedly sleeping at his own bed!! "Shiiya!!" He immediately covered it back after shouting loudly.

Sarawat half awake when Tine shouted loudly, and he just turned around, Tine sighed softly and concentrate before trying to wake him up again.

"Shia Wat! Wake up already!" He slapped Sarawat shoulder in addition.

Sarawat startled and immediately sat, he also rubbed his eyes and looked at his side, his head still spinning because of hangover. When his eyes landed to Tine who still glaring at him he finally remember how he end up sleepover at Tine place. He was about to stand up to pee when Tine grabbed his shoulder and let him sit down.

"Wait wait.."

"What?" Sarawat confusingly said.

"Take a look at yourself first!"

Sarawat look at his body and under the quilt and find he was naked, but who cares? They're both man and Tine already see it. He looked at Tine and asked. "Why? What's wrong with me?"

"Shiit Wat, you're naked stop walking around in my room naked." Tine complain.

"P'Tine, as if you haven't seen it already? You already see it so I don't mind." He was about to stand up again but Tine stopped him again halfway. "Alai-wa?"

"But I do mind! So stop showing your.. your.. Sarawat expo around my room!" Tine said. "And how the hell you became naked! I put clothes on you!"

Sarawat think about it and couldn't remember. "Dunno, probably because it's hot."

"Forget it, I'll go down and you go shower first." Tine stand up and went downstairs. "What the hell is wrong with him." He mumble.

His father already having breakfast with Bar downstairs, Tine grabbed a glass of water and drank it.. His father look at him and said. "Who sleepover at your room? Your friend?"

Tine pouty lips said. "His not my friend! He his Nong'Yo roommate."

Bar confused. "I thought you don't like him?"

"I do!"

"Then why you let him sleep at your room?" Bar added.

"I don't have choice he apologizes and so drunk, I don't want to be bad at Wayo eye's so I decided to help him." He said, but it's obviously that's not the reason. He was afraid that some bad things will happen to Sarawat like what happened to him.

"I'm still surprised, you never bring anyone at your room except Wayo." Bar suspiciously said.

Tine choked to water and cough few times. "Are you okay?" His father concerned asked.

"I'm okay." Tine shake his head and ignore the question, indeed he never let anyone enter his room so he was surprised to himself also for allowing Sarawat to sleep at his own bed and besides him. He rubbed his temple and sat down to join his father and brother to have dinner.

Love War Book II(BrightWin)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें