In Which Cassian Paints Figurines for their DND Campaign

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"Cassian, there you are," a monotone voice with a British accent said.

"Hello Kay," Cassian replied. He was sitting in the small garage painting small figurines. Kay picked one up but dropped it on the ground as soon as he felt the wet paint.

"Kay!" Cassian exclaimed. "That one's Jyn's! It took me two hours to finish."

"She doesn't exhibit any interest in the actual game you know, she just likes rolling the dice....and making fun of me."

Cassian scoffed, "Well you deserve it." He picked up the little figurine and stared at it. The tiny woman stood with a truncheon, but now, instead of a mejestic diversity of colors, it looked like a rainbow had too much chipotle the night before and puked all over her.

"I'm gonna have to start all over."

"No you're not, Katie's here." Kay walked out the door to go greet his girlfriend. Cassian got up and followed his friend to greet their game's dm.

"I still don't get why you don't come live with me," Katie asked Kay as she hugged him fiercely, only reaching the middle of his rib cage.

"Because Cassian is lonely," Kay answered, rubbing her back and patting her on the head.

"But so am I," she said, looking up at him.

"Well, unlike Cassian, you don't need another human to function properly." They both laughed.

"You guys know I'm right here," Cassian pointed out.

"We need to get him a different roommate or a lover perhaps," Katie suggested.

"He wishes he could." Cassian was now sitting on the front steps waiting for the rest of the party and ignoring his friends.

Bodhi arrived and walked up to the quaint house, wheeling his bike behind him.

"I always thought it was funny that you drive ambulances but you get around on a bike," Katie commented.

"I like it better than driving, makes me feel like I'm helping the environment."

"I finished your character Bodhi," Cassian said. "You can use it tonight."

"Perfect! Can't wait to see it."

Bodhi walked his bike into the garage and leaned it against the wall.

Katie and Kay had stopped hugging and were walking in the house now. Bodhi followed them in, hoping to get a head start on whatever snack they had this week.

Cassian stayed on the front steps, waiting to greet his friends.

A car pulled up and parked across the street. Cassian lifted his head in hopes that it was-

"Cassian, you look eager," Chirrut said, walking up to him with his walking stick. He didn't really need it for walking purposes or for sight, he just like the way it felt in his hands. Baze, his husband, came up behind him.

"He was hoping for someone else," he added.

"Well I was hoping for you two, but Jyn isn't here yet." Baze and Chirrut both smiled and Baze gave a small chuckle.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, she's gotten so far on her own." Jyn grew up in the foster care system after her father disappeared, she didn't talk about it much but her and Cassian had had a long conversation about it.

"Yeah, you're right." Chirrut and Baze walked into the house while Cassian stayed outside.

He paced the walkway as the sun started to sink in the horizon, it was dark now. Kay popped his head out the door, his blonde hair being held by a pink butterfly clip.

"You have to face it," he said. "She's not coming."

"Pshh, since when do you know her schedule?"

"Since she's always late." Kay closed the door and went back to talk to his friends. Cassian sighed, Kay was right, she was almost always late. He stared out at the street for a couple of seconds before turning towards the house.

Rustling came from behind him and a panting Jyn turned the corner onto the walkway.

"Hey-" a breath. "Sorry I'm late. The bus."

"Jyn! You're just in time," Chirrut called from the door. "I hear Cassian finished the figures."

"That's great!" She locked eyes with Cassian. He stared back as intently.

"Well don't just stand there you two!" Baze yelled at them. "Get in here."

They both walked up the steps, Cassian letting Jyn go first. The warm inside contrasted the chilly outside making Jyn's cheeks redden.

A bowl of guacamole and salsa sat on the counter next to a plate of chips. Jyn put her things down and started eating.

"Ah, she's inhaling the chips," Kay commented.

"Don't shame me," Jyn quipped back. "You need way more food than me."

Katie chuckled as she set up her things.

"Hey Cass," Bodhi said. "The figures are dry now right?"

"Oh yeah, totally." Cassian walked out to the garage and grabbed the six figurines, taking them back to the party. He handed a figure to each of the members.

Kay's was a tall robot, Chirrut's was a monk with a staff, Baze exclaimed, "My gun!" when seeing his. Bodhi and Cassian's were similar, basic clothing and boots. Jyn stared at hers in confusion.

"What happened to her?" she asked Cassian. Everyone took a look at the small figure in Jyn's hand, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Kay dropped her."

"It looks ugly doesn't it," Kay said.

"No," Jyn said, looking at it intently. "It looks just fine. I can see where you messed it up." She smiled at it.

"Really?" Kay questioned.

"Ladies," Katie called. "It's time to begin." Everyone sat down at the table and set their figures on the map.

"The ship has just landed on the pad, Jyn goes down to talk to the squad, she and Cassian give a rousing speech. Bodhi opens the door."

"Alright," Katie said starting the game. "The plan is underway. The officers come onto the ship, they want to check the manifest. Bodhi, roll for deception."

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