In Which Jyn is Homeless and Pawns off Stolen Items

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AN: I don't really know how pawnshops work so just bear with me.

Jyn forced herself out of the cot. The cold wrapped around her and she shivered slightly at the feeling of goosebumps popping up over her body. 

She spent the night in a homeless shelter, other people stirred, restless in their sleep. They kept their things close to them in case someone would steal them. Today Jyn was that person.

She didn't have much on her person, a sweater, vest, and scarf kept her warm, two pairs of pants, and a rugged pair of boots she snagged from a vendor at a market. A backpack full of food and other useful tools and a necklace she wore always of a stone. 

She eyed a man sleeping curled up near the corner, a shopping bag sat idly by his side. He was around forty years old, a good thing, Jyn promised herself she would never steal from kids. 

She got up slowly and crept over to where the man lay. She blew gently on him to see if he was awake, nothing. She picked up the bag and walked towards the door, a little girl made eye contact so she put a finger to her lips and slipped out.

Outside, it was light out and people were walking to work. Jyn had tried getting "real"  jobs but she didn't have a bank account and couldn't set one up. If her father had made one when she was a little girl she had no idea what happened to it. So she took jobs to clean people's yards and help plant and harvest crops when the time came.

She fished out a quarter from her pants pocket and stuck it in the slot. A newspaper flopped down and Jyn pulled it out of the stand. She had no phone so this was the only way she could keep up with the world. Hurricane season.

She stuffed it into her backpack to read later and walked quickly to the park, hoping to get away from the shelter just in case the man woke up. She sat down on a park bench and looked down at her loot, a chocolate bar sat at the top and she licked her lips in anticipation, gently placing it in the smallest compartment of her backpack. Also in the sack, were a bunch of Quest bars, a roll of toilet paper, an Avengers comic, a baby onesie, and a wedding band. She smiled to herself and inspected the wedding band closely.

She put the quest bars and toilet paper roll directly in her backpack and kept the other items in the shopping bag. She pulled out the newspaper and scanned for anywhere she could sell the extra items.

"Excuse me?" Jyn looked up and locked eyes with a man, he wore a straight-faced expression and his brown hair flopped over his forehead like bangs. His intentions didn't appear to be ill so far.

"Yeah?" she answered shortly.

"Do you know where Clyde and 12th are?" Totally a tourist, or he's visiting a friend.

"Go that way a couple of blocks and then once you see the monkey toy shop, turn left and walk until you see the tall bank building. Go right and go until you see Chinatown, it'll be there somewhere."

"Great thanks!" He was about to walk away but turned back around. Jyn held her breath.

"Do you mind walking with me?" She dropped her eyes and clutched the small knife to her side. She had heard stories of women being lured by kind strangers asking for directions to be raped.

"No." His face fell and he nodded.

"May I ask why?" She looked back up at him, still clutching the knife.

"I don't know you."

"In that case," he extended his hand, "I'm Cassian."

"Leanna," she said taking his hand. They let go and Cassian stood there. Jyn played with the handles on the bag.

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