━ a spider in the room

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- you and the ducks were casually hanging at charlie's place

- adam got up to use the bathroom

- couple seconds later, everyone hears screaming

- everyone gets up and checks on adam

- "what the fuck, dude?"

- then you spotted a spider

- "oH hELL nO!"

- everyone runs out of the room

- you all set out a plan to kill the fucking spider

- that mother fucker was huge according to luis

- everyone gathers together like its a damn war

- charlie with a pan

- julie and connie with hairspray

- you with a damn knife

- averman with a damn pillow

- russ, kenny, luis, and goldberg really said fuck it and stayed in the living room

- the bash bro pull up with fucking spoons and spatulas

- guy and dwayne in the kitchen, vibing and eating

- the rest of the crew burst though the door and kicks the spiders ass

- they end up failing

- charlies mom and bombay pull up and bombay kills it

- everyone is disappointed in themselves

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