━ them as things that i've done and saw

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adam: *gets into car crash while blasting one direction*

charlie: *gets push down off a tall ladder and dislocates middle finger*

dean: *steals sisters disco lights and blast another love on the tv at 3 am*

fulton: *throws away everything in room*

guy: *locks self into the bathroom and cries then laughs 10 minutes later*

dwayne: *watches little cousin throw their fish in the toilet*

russ: *attacks siblings with knife*

goldberg: *falls off stairs due to fainting over a hot dilf edit*

averman: *jump ropes with heels and sprains ankle*

kenny: *accidentally spills powerade juice inside school laptop*

luis: *reads smut at the dinner table*

julie: *uses binoculars to watch neighbors physically fight*

connie: *waves at the cops who come down our road every week due to my crazy neigbours*

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