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It had only been one night, but with one look at Bucky, anyone could have assumed it had been months. 

His hair that was naturally disheveled and all over the place no longer sported that just-rolled-out-of-bed look, but resembled something akin to a bird's nest. His blue eyes were bloodshot, nearly warping their original color, and his jaw was constantly clenched and ready to lash out at anyone who got in his way. 

Steve sighed from his position leaning against the wall and made his way up to Buck, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder. Bucky immediately shot daggers at him until he realized that Steve was only giving him a comforting smile. Bucky's tense shoulders relaxed and he gave his friend a grateful look and Steve in turn, turned his attention to Tony who was furiously pouring over his computer. 

"You'll never be able to find them unless they want to be found, Stark," Steve commented, trying to get the billionaire to see reason. 

Tony threw up a distasteful finger. "Bullshit."

Bucky narrowed his eyes at him. He wanted to know where Martina was more than anything, but not if it compromised her safety. "Artemis is with her, Stark. Do you really think anyone will be able to find her?"

"I haven't even tried facial recognition yet," Stark mumbled, brushing away a curious Wanda and Natasha who were trying to see over his shoulder, extremely paranoid that they would try to do something to mess him up. He dropped his face into his hands with a loud groan. "The fuck! What has Lionel done on this computer! Who told him he could rearrange my software? Loki? Any help?"

Loki, from his position across the room, laughed brazenly. He tossed one of his legs over the other and placed both hands behind his head as he leaned back on his recliner. He raised a teasing eyebrow at Stark. "You want me to help you track down my secret agent-Asgardian warrior-expert tracker- fiancee who is currently on the run? I think I'll pass."

Tony furrowed his eyebrows and spoke through gritted teeth. "So you don't want to know where she is? You don't even want to know if she's safe?"

Loki snorted with all the patience in the world. "Trust me, Stark. I know from experience that my huntress can take plenty care of herself. I'm just here to enjoy the show and reward her with more sex than you can imagine when she returns. I find her deception rather arousing, don't you think?"

Bucky decided to ignore Loki's calm and collected demeanor about his missing fiancee, in turn directing all his anger at Stark for even insinuating that Loki would turn in the love of his life- the woman whose loyalty rivaled almost anything, and who was currently watching out for Martina. 

"Of course, he doesn't want to help!" Bucky roared, immediately on guard. "Why would he? Martina did nothing wrong!"

Stark went to protest. "She killed-"

"So what? So have I! So has Loki! So has Clint and Natasha and so have you, Stark! We've all done things we're not proud of! Everyone here has killed!" Someone coughed behind him. "Oh spare me the moral righteousness, Steve!" 

Steve ignored the stinging comment and used all his strength to pull Bucky aside for just a moment. "You know I'm on your side, Bucky."

"We can't let them take her, Steve," Bucky insisted desperately, taking glances at Stark and silently thanking Natasha when she flicked him in the ear. 

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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