An Unwelcome , Welcoming Welcome

Start from the beginning

"There's that dark humour I missed ! " he chuckled
"Look out !" I spun us round , as a Ravenclaw flew past , knocked flat over.
"I'm afraid I'll have to reject your advances ! Else the multitude of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor girls I spent summer break partying with will be green with envy ! " He yelled over the wrestling crowd.Dodging a shoe.
"Not playing in the snake pit anymore Rook ? I remember a time you loved the colour green !" I snapped back.
His face fell , before he pressed his lips against my ear.
"Ive only ever been with one snake Ivy" he whispered firmly , heat scattering across my neck.The tension in his body and the way he gripped my shoulders told me he wasn't playing now.
Before I could answer he took hold of my waist and hugged it against him for a split second - before sending me spinning like a spinning top.Dazed and infuriated , I yanked my wand out it's sheath .

"Ivory !" Parkinson launched her tiny self at me.
"Quick ! Let's get our seats " Ebony bellowed.
Spelling us out of the insanity.

We appeared farther down the hall , were Slytherin's had began to take their seats at our table .

"Get Lost ! These are our seats you know full well !" Pansy slammed her fist down on the table , sending snakes scattering in all directions.Ebony caught one , lagging behind the others and sent a spark up her ass to hurry her along.This was the head of our table.From here we could se everyone.Our names were literally engraved in the deep wood with pen knives.My fingers found the roves.

I scanned the hall, as people began to settle down , slamming each other on the backs , embracing friends , whispering excitedly in large groups.Everything seemed to simmer down into more orderly excitement.

All houses at their own tables.

Navy Ravenclaws squawking at each other over the noise , the perfect advertisement for an opticians .Specs every possible shape and size , all polished and ready.Ebony feathered fringes and bangs making them look oddly Korean.Even their skin was weird , shut inside from the damaging UV rays , studying.Some had new textbooks piled in front of them , robes dry cleaned , wands re glossed ,back to school hair dos and the best stock from Diagonal Alley organised for another successful year.Some even had practise exam papers stuffed in bound folders.No doubt Ryker Rook and his Qudditch team was already flocking round the primed hens.Who's main priorities where already in colour coded and alphabetically graded order.

The bile yellow Hufflepuffs, the loudest table in the hall , positively screamed at one another.Practically bursting each other's bubble headedness ! The girls makeup was caked on thick , laminated brows , Barbie blonde hair already frazzled by heat damage.Skirts rolled up inches over their knees , false lashes fanning one another as they compared orange tan lines and summer scandles.The spineless puff boys sat pathetically quiet and sad , forced three to a single table corner.Their robes looking like first years , hanging over their hands and weakling bodies.Wheat coloured hair greasy and unkept.Acne looked like it had won another marathon , with the steaming Scarlett pimples that masked each dismal face.They drooled at the multitude of shortened skirts ,sharpened claws and giggling plastics.

Beware of the plastics...

One puff girl caught my attention , sat the wrong way , skirt hiked way over her thick thighs , she flashed her bare legs .School blouse tied at the bottom and opened at least three buttons at the top , Her school tie missing and no doubt stuffed in a Gryffindors trouser pocket.She waggled her cherry acrylics at some Ravenclaw boy across the undrawn divide.

"Look it's Ryker ! Ryker Rook , Ivory look your ex !" Pansy gasped , grabbing at my sleeve.As if I hadn't already watched him find his seat.

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