Chapter 2

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A/N: So yes, my chapters are short; but I try to write more. It's just... challenging.

"And Ladybug took my miraculous away!"


"How could she do-!" Marinette could hear Alya from down the hall. Marinette passed Adrien without a second glance as she followed Alya's voice to an empty classroom that Alya and Nino were supposed to be studying in. Marinette sighed, she'd have to save Nino.

"Hey Nino," she called as she opened the door and walked in. "Can I steal you for a sec?" he looked up gratefully and opened his mouth.

"You!" Alya pointed on Marinette. "You filthy, little liar! You turned Ladybug against me and I-"

"Stop!" Nino stepped in front of Marinette, protectively. "I couldn't find the words, but I have now. Alya, we're done. You just yelled at and insulted my childhood best friend. Also, this relationship is not about us anymore, it's always 'Lila this' and 'Lila that'. I'm sick of it! Come on, Mari, let's go."

"You too!" Before they reached the door, Alya was re-akumatized as Lady Wifi. Mari turned to NIno.

"I'll go get help, please distract her!" Marinette ran out into the empty classroom across the way and transformed. She ran back into the room, knowing no one was in the hallway, and saw Chat just standing outside the classroom. "Ok, Chat, Lady Wifi is back. Any ide-"

"No." Chat glared.

"What?" Ladybug looked at Chat questioningly.

"No. I am not going to help a lot with akumas until you give Alya her miraculous back because she IS worthy. Maybe you're the unworthy one." He crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall. Ladybug pursed her lips and ran back into the classroom. She easily defeated Lady Wifi with the help of Nino. The battle to 30 minutes TOPS. Ladybug fixed everything, checked on Alya (who wouldn't talk to her), checked on Nino, then yo-yoed out the window. She transformed behind the school and ran to the front. She texted Nino to see if he was ok and asked if he could meet her outside. He walked outside, saw her, and hurried over.

"I'm so sorry." she started. "I never wanted to come between you and ALya."

Nino hugged her, "It's ok, I have been meaning to break up with her anyway. Her yelling at you just helped me. Anyway, you needed to talk to me?" he smiled teasingly.

"Oh yeah, that." Chloe saw them and started to walk over. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me and Chloe-" she was cut off by Chloe slinging an arm around Marinette's shoulders.

"On a trip to Gotham City!" Chloe finished for Marinette. "And I'm paying." Chloe winked.

Surprisingly, Chloe hadn't turned against Marinette like the rest of the class. After Lila started to turn their classmates against Marinette, Chloe lost Sabrina to Lila and that had opened her eyes to how cruel she'd been to everyone, including Marinette. Sweet, kind Marinette, so Chloe apologized to Marinette. Now the two are best friends.

"Sounds awesome, dudettes!" Nino smiled, genuine and real.

"Oh, Luka and Kagami are supposed to get back to us if they're joining." Just then Marinette's phone binged and she checked it. "And they're coming!" All three cheered. Nino felt like he was wanted and belonged to something. Ever since Lila came, he's been on the outskirts of his friend group. Now, he belonged. 

Alya watched the three walk to Marinette's family bakery. She groaned, why couldn't Marinette just accept Lila and stop being so jealous that Lila had the attention of Adrien. It would just make life easier for everyone and what the heck happened to Nino?

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