Chapter 2

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Placing your data pad and tray on the table, you sat down and quickly chowed down. The food was tasteless and had a weird texture but it was food. You got up and placed the tray in the designated area, walking you read were your assignment on your data pad would be. Feeling your face drain you saw it was a hallway from the restricted area.

Today was going to be rough. Not only were you so close to the restricted area but you would be on a direct path from General Hux and Commander Kylo Ren. All the other work in the past were on hallways they barely used. Only the radar technician's who been there what seemed like in the beginning were on the hallways that the two walked. Those hallways were on a direct path to the restricted area.

You felt a lump in your throat worried you would screw up and deal with the famous wrath of either of them. Commander Ren's wrath scared you the most. He was unforgiving for any mistakes made. Rumors spread he wouldn't even wait for a explanation, with a flick of a wrist he would snapped there neck then keep walking like nothing happened. A chill went down your spine as you pushed away the dark thoughts. The sooner you fixed what needed be fixed, the sooner you were back on the regular hallways.

Blinking you started walking not realizing you stopped dead in your tracks when read your assignment. You followed the path that was highlighted for you to get to the area on your data pad. After waking for 15 minutes, you turned the corner and found why that area needed to be fixed.

Large random gashes that showed the circuits underneath still sparked alittle. You rolled your eyes and walked over to panel. What could of done this damage? You gentle placed a cautious hand along one gash. Anger suddenly coursed through your body and you gritted your teeth. Memories of the hardship you weren't through the second you stepped on the Starkiller flashed through your mind.

You felt your whole body tense and your heart race. Yanking your hand back the anger faded. You frowned and glanced at your hand. That was weird. I should put some gloves on before I touch the panel again. You thought. A loud bang made your head snapped up, the noise echoed down the hall making you grimace alittle. You realized the bang came from the restricted hall, frowning as the urge to check out the noise was strong.

You glanced behind you and bit your lip. A quick look won't hurt right? Quickly but quietly you made your way to the restricted area. It was now eerily quiet, you felt your heart race as you went down the hall. Why is it colder down here? Two doors could be see on the right and one on the left. It looked like the hallway went on for a bit then veered to the right. Maybe I should go back? If I get didn't want to think of the punishment you would receive.

Walking past the three doors, you went around the bend in the hallway. Frowning you saw that the area was under construction. A large plastic sheet was taped from ceiling to floor and a do not enter sign on the wall next to it showed. Rolling your eyes you headed back the way you came.

A noise coming from the only door rang out. I should get out of here, but what if someone was in trouble? Another noise made you walk over to the door and listen. As you got close to the door it opened with a hiss. A large figure appeared in your vision, you saw black garments and your eyes went up. Stepping back in fear, you were now staring into the mask of Kylo Ren.

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