6#: Endgame

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Summary: Endgame but Tony survives the snap and when everyone who was dusted returns, Thor gets the shock of his life...

note: Everyone returns after Tony snaps

Tears clouded his vision as Thor watched the battle end, Thano's army disappeared into thin air and everyone gave each other pats on the back or hugs. His ears rang loudly and his body was heavy with exhaustion, not just from the battle but from everything.

Steve helped Tony up off the ground and Bruce came over to rest a gentle hand on Thor's shoulder.

"It's over."

The words that he had wanted to hear for years, the words that would bring tears to everyone.

It's over.

It's over.

It is over.

Then people started to appear, first a man with a metal arm, who immediately fell into Steve's arms whilst crying. Then a tall man who he recognised as Dr Strange.

Soon more and more people appeared, reuniting with their loved ones. Thor also noticed a boy, young and looking very lost and confused until his eyes found Tony's. He bounded over to him and started talking and smiling, the man watched with a fond smile on his face as Stark just wordlessly pulled him into a hug, tears streaming down is face.

Sadness creeped into him as he realised how much wanted to have his brother with him, joking and insulting him about how much of a sap he was. He still felt guilt about his death, the last words that haunted him.

You really are the worst brother.

He watched on with sadness as everyone crowded together, smiling and laughing and celebrating.

But what could he celebrate?

The war was over but his brother was dead. Why should he be happy?

He followed Bruce towards the ship, stumbling across all the rubble scattered across the floor. The man was about to step on when there was some kind of commotion. He turned around, fully expecting to see Thanos standing there but stopping when he heard Tony arguing with someone.

The boy prehaps?

"What the hell are you doing? Come to try to kill me again-" The man raged.

"Well, I wasn't the one who just shoved someone to floor if you don't mind me saying."

Thor's throat went dry at that voice. The voice he knew so well, the voice that haunted his dreams.

The voice that he missed.

He rushed forward, everyone moving out the way.

"Just shut up alright! I don't know who-" Tony continued to argue.

Thor wordlessly pushed him out the way and froze at what he saw.

Loki, in the clothes he wore when he died, lying on the floor looking midly angry and confused, but that all disappeared when he saw Thor.

"B-brother?" Thor asked, not daring to believe he was alive after all this time.

"Thor." Loki avoided eye contact, almost like he was scared.

The man reached forward a hand and after a moment the trickster grabbed it and clambered to his feet.

Once Loki was standing in front of him Thor reached up a hand, ignoring Tony who was glaring at him, and held his brother's face gently. Loki's emerald eyes met his and it took all of the mans strength to not break down there.

"L-loki? You're r-really h-ere?"

"Yes Thor, I'm sorry I'll-" Before he could finish Thor pulled him to his chest, harsh sobs escaping him as he wrapped his strong arms around Loki and cradled his head.

"Y-you're here, y-ou're h-here." he kept repeating.

Loki remained still in his arms, his breathing escalating slightly. "Loki?" Thor pulled back, just a small amount so he could see his brothers face.

"I thought you hated me." The trickster said in an emotionless tone, eyes staring gloomily at the floor.

"I could never hate you Loki." The mans eyes shot up and they scanned Thor's face, looking for any traces of lying or hate. But there was none.

Thor kissed his forehead before pulling him in for another hug, this time Loki returned it, wrapping his arms around his brothers shoulder. "I'm s-sorry brother I-"

"Shh, Loki, you are safe now. You don't need to apologise."

Loki cried into Thor's shoulder this time, ignoring everyone who was staring at them, ignoring the glares from some of them. His hands scrambled to hold onto the mans armour, his legs feeling weak as Thor slowly lowered them to the floor.

Thor pulled Loki into his lap while still gently holding him, whispering words of comfort, promising that Thanos was gone, he was safe. "I missed you brother." The man whispered.

"I missed you too Thor."

The God stroked his brother's raven hair and rocked him gently for a few minutes. 


The man looked up at voice and saw Tony stood there, the boy from earlier tucked under his arm.

"Could you? Well is he-"

"My brother will not hurt anyone Stark. You have my word." Tony nodded and by the stern look on his face he decided not to ask further.

"How are you alive?" He asked, turning his attention back to his brother.

"I d-don't know, I just a-appeared." Thor nodded and gently helped him to his feet, keeping an arm wrapped around his waist.

"Let's go home brother."

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