17#: Request

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apologise i cant remember who requested this!! but if it was you just comment your name here if you want and i hope you enjoy!

summary: thor and loki go out to play in the woods, everything takes a turn when one of the branches is too high for thor to reach

note: injury description, loki is 15, thor is 17


Loki rushed after his Brother as he ran into the deep forest which surrounded their house in Asgard. "Thor slow down you oaf!" He yelled angrily.

"Relax brother, we are free!" Thor yelled, throwing his arms up in the air dramatically. Loki rolled his eyes, only his Brother would get himself grounded for 3 weeks.

"May I remind you if it wasn't for your foolish actions you could have been free awhile ago." Loki replied, running up pushing Thor in the back lightly.

"Hey!" Thor said, pushing Loki back and speeding up so he was ahead of him. "Catch me if you can Brother!"

They both ran all the way into the woods, Loki using his magic to trip Thor up a few times in order for him to catch up. They came to halt when they reached a large tree and Loki could see the ideas running through his older Brothers mind.

"Lets climb-"

"No Thor it's dangerous."

"So what? It-"

"Brother please."

"Don't be such a girl Loki."

The challenging look in Thor's eyes was something Loki never wanted to see. It was always when he couldn't do something, wasn't strong enough to fight that Thor would antagonize him. And Loki wanted that acceptance from the Thor, he craved his validation.

"Fine then." He grumbled, walking forwards and placing his hands on the bottom of the tree trunk to begin climbing.

It only took a few minutes for Thor to race ahead of Loki, using his stealth to move quicker. "Slow down Thor."

"Bet you wish you came to those training sessions now Brother!" The older boy taunted from above him.

"Not at all." Loki mumbled under his breath. He used all his strength to climb up faster, taking advantage of when Thor stopped to admire the view of Asgard, overtaking Thor.

"Ha! Who's the slow one now Brother?" Loki teased.

Thor grumbled something under his breath before continuing up the tree. Loki climbed his way all the way until the top before peering back down to see Thor stuck on which way to go. He had gone a slightly different way to Loki and the next branch up was a far reach.

"Hurry Thor." Loki said impatiently.

"I'm trying Brother." The older boy grumbled back, making an attempt to reach for the branch again. Loki watched as his Brother looked back down to where they came from, they were definitely high enough that a fall would be nasty. 

"Thor stop taking so long, hurry." Loki said, slight worry clutching his heart. But he wasn't going to show that he actually cared. Thor would be fine though, he was good at this stuff.

"Well I'm trying Loki okay I-" As Thor was saying that he reached up for the branch again, but just as he did this the one he was standing on snapped. He yelled out as his fingers missed the branch and he fell down the tree, landing on his back harshly.

"THOR!" Loki yelled as he watched his brother fall helplessly. Panic spread through his body as he shakily tried to climb down.

This is my fault, this is my fault, this is all my fault.

He made his way down and jumped next to the Thor, kneeling down on the grass surrounding him. "Thor! Thor wake up, please, wake up." He yelled, shaking his Brothers unconscious body.

Loki could feel tears welling up in his eyes as he felt for a pulse. Thank Asgard there was one.

What was he meant to do? They were at least an hour away from home and Loki was no proper medical expert. 

It should have been me, it should have been me, why wasn't it me?

Loki closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he need to calm down, panicking wasn't going to help Thor. He mentally went through different spells he could try before remembering one Frigga had shown him a few weeks ago.

He hadn't fully mastered it but it would hopefully allow him to see Thor's injuries. 

Loki shifted Thor so his head was lying in his lap. He placed his hands in front of him and muttered the spell under his breath. He felt the warm glow and waited a few seconds before the knowledge of his injuries entered his had.

Bruised ribs.

Broken wrist.

Fractured ankle.

Okay, it was pretty bad.

"Thor, please wake up. Stop being so stubborn you prick." He tried to wake him again but failed.

The boy sat back on his heals and ran a hand through his black hair. What the hell was he meant to do? Guilt was clawing at his heart, if he hadn't told Thor to hurry maybe he would have gone a different way, he wouldn't be lying unconscious either.

"JUST WAKE UP YOU OAF!" He yelled, slamming his hand on the ground before burying his face in his hands. The tears were clouding his eyes again and he sniffed, trying to wipe them away. he shouldn't being crying, he didn't deserve to cry.

A strangled cough cut through Loki's spiralling thoughts and he sat up sharply, eyes trained on his Brother. Thor was coughing harshly and Loki rushed forward to support his head.

"Thor, take a breath, you're okay I'm here, see? Just relax." He said as he waited for the coughing to stop, running his hands through his blonde hair in a relaxing manner.

"L-loki-" Thor coughed, "W-what?"

"You fell Thor, and it was my fault, I'm sorry I didn't want this to happen and then you wouldn't wake up-" Loki rambled before Thor reached a hand up to his face, halting him.

"S'okay, help me u-up?" 

Loki helped him into a sitting position before magicking some water for him to drink, hoping it would soothe his throat.

"How are we going to get back?" Thor asked, once Loki had finished explaining his injuries.

"I don't know, I guess I have to carry you?" Loki suggested, smiling at the disgusted face Thor pulled. 

"You're joking?"

"Well unless you can fly-"

"Okay fine, carry me I guess."

Loki smiled and went to help Thor up but the other stopped him, making the younger boy confused.

"Thank you Brother."

Loki frowned, "I made you fall-"

"No, I fell. I don't blame you, so you shouldn't blame yourself either." Thor said, grabbing his hand and getting up onto his stable foot. "Now, carry your Future King."

Loki smiled and gently picked Thor, making sure not to jostle his hurt limbs too much.

"Now let's go home."


okay it has been literally 2 months omg sorry.

i promise the next one will be out within a week i SWEAR! its a request and im actually really excited to get working on it soooo be ready for that!

and it will be thorki but in the au I'm doing they are not brothers

okay bye bye my lovelies! 

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