Over it

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Ron sat on the red velvet couch in the gryffindor common room. A crackling fire filled the room with it's warmth as he noticed Hermione walking past him, they made eye contact for a brief moment, before she looked down. Ever since they had kissed, it had been weird between them. Ron felt like he ruined the whole thing as he let out an audible sigh hanging his head back.
"What's wrong?" A girlish voice spoke
Ron turned and saw lavender brown, she was a little annoying but nice enough. "Oh, I'm just having girl problems" he said sighing
"I can help you if you'd like! Tell me what happened!" Lavender said, her voice at a tone only dogs could hear. "Oh, no thanks" Ron said "it'll sort itself out I think.
Lavender had spent an hour pestering Ron. He got so annoyed her finally gave in and told her the whole situation. She listened like her life depended on it, and her mouth was tightly pursed.
"I know what will fix it" she said
Ron was happy to hear this, he'd so anything normalize things with Hermione, even if it didn't become romantic. Instead, lavender leaned it and pecked his lips. Ron was so distracted by his own thoughts, he didn't notice until it was to late. He heard a gasp to see Hermione holding the doorknob, which she quickly hardened her gaze and slammed the door. They were leaving hogwarts tomorrow and they would be leaving fighting if he didn't fix it.


The next morning, everyone was busy packing their trunks and deep cleaning the common room for inspection. Hermione worked hard to ignore ron, who she saw snogging lavender brown last night. She was stupid to think he actually liked her. He just liked her as a friend, that's that. But it still hurt. He had walked towards her several times this morning, but she would always find a way to sneak away before he could say anything she didn't want to hear. She felt so sick she didn't want to think about him at all. She didn't plan on visiting him in the summer or even writing. She was so done with Ron.


Hermione boarded the Hogwarts Express following harry. They wandered the aisles looking for an empty booth.
"Ah, here's Ron" harry said opening a booth. Ron was sat by lavender brown, and so hermione quickly turned away. Her heart was beating fast and her tears were welling up. She quickly escaped to a booth with Luna lovegood. Summer was beginning. Without Ronald weasley.

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