
"As I said, you're an individual who requires constant surveillance. Tell me, why didn't you turn her to the police once you found out what she was? The very day she tried to kill that man, why did you call for an ambulance instead of a cruiser?"


The man simply waited until Midoriya recovered:

"I... How can you possibly know all this?"

After some silence from the man's part, Midoriya decided to explain himself to this strange person... It looked like the right thing to do for some odd reason and it would buy him some time to think about a way out of this situation. Raiju was there, circling and analyzing the man, walking around, ready to take action if things go south.

"I... I couldn't turn her to the police because she isn't a villain, she's just a frightened girl who-"

"She tried to kill someone, and if weren't for you, she would've succeeded."

"It isn't her fault... She's confused and frightened but deep inside she's just-"

"Aren't we all?"


The man started walking up and down the room with one hand behind his back, gesticulating with the other, as if he was gesturing and pointing at a whiteboard, lecturing. For some odd reason, he remembered Midoriya what a teacher sounded like.

"This is the problem with this society... The sense of justice and righteousness clouded their vision of what's truly necessary. Villains are only villains when you look at them like that, this is the reason this society is wrong, this is the reason I founded the League of Villains."

"You- You're the League's leader?"

"I prefer, benefactor. I know you already met my protégé, Shigaraki Tomura... You left a mark on him... He wasn't expecting someone so powerful on his mission to kill All Might."

"So that came from you... You sent him to kill All Might. He's a vile man, he was going to murder Aizawa-sensei for nothing."

"The same way you were going to murder him? What were your exact words? 'Death arrived for you' am I correct?"

"I never really intended to kill him, I said that in the heat of the moment. I'm not a murderer like him. He was going to murder Aizawa-sensei without any purpose behind it, just because he was frustrated. He's diabolic."

"He's as much of a murderer as you are. Don't you remember the enemies who attacked your mother?"

Midoriya once again was surprised by his words, how did he know all that about those events?

"That... That was different."

"How so?"

"They weren't even human-"

"They breathed, they walked, they talked, and they bled... They looked very human to me."


"You see, you can't let hypocrisy dictate your life Midoriya. You can't look at the world through a pair of black and white lens because there's no such thing as black and white. You found yourself in the right to take those men's lives, so you went and took it, you embraced your desire for revenge at that moment and accomplished your goal, how's that any different from Shigaraki's actions?"

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