
Jamie sat in his apartment that now seemed empty. He wanted to call Callie again and ask if she had something to hide but he knew she wouldn't react well to that. He decided the best way to do it was to go slow and try to make things work again so she would tell him. Starting with learning how to trust her again. He knew she couldn't help herself when it came to situations she was passionate about, that's one of the things he loved about her, just not when she was ruining her own life in the process.
"...Hello" Callie said quietly over the phone. Jamie froze, he didn't think she would actually answer the phone.
"Hi, umm. Listen, I can't stop thinking about you.. can we meet up and talk in person again?"
"Jamie, you're the one that broke things off. You told me I was a mistake. You told me goodbye" her voice sounded shaky.
"I'm willing to talk again. Please? wouldn't you like to have another chance to talk? Just one more, I felt like I was so emotional the first time, I'm willing to listen to you now... and anything you have to say.." he tried to emphasize the word anything.
"I don't know, maybe. I've been super busy. Just give me a little time to process this. You're confusing me"
"Look, I'm sorry for being confusing but please. Let's talk again. Just let me know when you can" Jamie said desperately.
"Fine but why the sudden change of heart?"
"I guess I just realized that you are important in my life and I don't want to leave you" he said honestly.
"Okay. Bye Jamie" Callie hung up the phone. She did still love him and so badly wanted to make up but she didn't want to take the bait so quick, he was acting strange.
Jamie sighed as he hung up the phone. At least she knew he was still willing to make things work now.
He was scared she would keep this a secret and get an abortion. Would she? Jamie sat on his bed as hundreds of thoughts ran through his head.
If she knew Jamie didn't want her back, she would for sure get rid of the baby and Jamie couldn't let that happen.


"Who was that?" Malika said to Callie who was sitting outside on a poolside chair.
"It was Jamie... he wants to talk again" she said raising her eyebrows as a slight smile formed on her lips.
"Oh wow, he wants to make things work again?"
"Yeah, he actually does I think. I actually can't believe it's him begging me now" she said with a small laugh.
"Why did he change his mind?"
"I don't know" Callie thought about it. Why did he change his mind? Something must have happened and she was determined to find out.
"Also, how is Mariana?" Malika said causing Callie to tense up,
"What do you mean? She's fine" she said casually.
"She seems snappy and easily irritated lately, I don't know. Something is off with her" Malika said sipping her lemonade, one of the only beverages she was allowed on arrest.
"She has been stressed with everything at work and with Raj and Evan... and Isabella now that I think of it.. I would be moody too if I was her"
"You're right, so how is the bar studying coming along?" She said changing the subject.
"I actually just started studying again a few days ago and it's going good. It's just kinda hard with so much going on around me" she said.
"I get that, well Goodnight" Malika said heading inside. Callie watched the stars and the full moon, it was so peaceful.
Just then Gael walked up to her and sat down next to her on the now empty chair,
"Hey. Wow it's beautiful out here" he said smiling at Callie. She smiled slightly back then looked away.
"Wow.. so smooth" she said and he giggled,
"I try" he said looking at her.
"Is there a reason why you're out here with me?"
She said and he said nothing, instead he leaned closer for a kiss and she quickly pulled away.
"Gael... I'm sorry I can't" she said and he shook his head.
"Why? What the hell Callie"
"It's just... I'm trying to work things out with Jamie" she said pulling her blanket closer.
"So what about that night? That was for nothing? Pshh" He said and Callie could tell he was getting frustrated.
"No.. I mean.. not exactly.. Gael, I was upset and horny and" she said and Gael interrupted,
"So that's it huh? I'm always just gonna be the relief for a bad day? Can't you see I want more than that?!" He said standing up.
"I'm sorry. I can't trust you Gael, we never were exclusive and you explode for the dumbest reasons. I need a boyfriend not a child" she said now upset.
"A child?! It's nice to know how you think of me. You know what, if you don't want anything serious then stop coming up to my room to hook up. We're done, why don't you just go and live happily ever after with your white republican boyfriend" he walked to his room and slammed the door shut.
Callie needed someone who understands, someone who isn't going to react the way Gael does to everything, someone who loves her even though she makes mistakes. Jamie. That's who she needed.
She wanted to give Jamie a text but she realized her phone was still in Mariana's loft.
"Dammit" she said getting up and heading towards her loft.
She knocked but Isabella was already asleep and Mariana was most likely in the bathroom,
She walked into the closet and grabbed her phone to send a text,

C: if you're ready to move on and try to make things work you know I am too and that I never stopped wanting this. Saturday at 6? Ur place?
J: thank you so much for this. That sounds perfect. I'll make chicken piccata

She smiled as she headed out into the living area to her couch,
"Why are you so smiley?" Mariana said,
"Jamie and I are gonna talk on Saturday at his house"
"Oooh talk. Ok yeah sure, you mean make up sex?" Mariana said smirking and Callie laughed and hit her arm playfully.
A few minutes of silence passed and Mariana spoke up,
"I made an appointment for tomorrow.. When should I tell Evan?" She said and Callie thought about it for a second. She didn't want to say something she'd regret, after all she's never gone through something like this.
"I think whenever you're ready or whenever it feels right. The sooner the better, I think he deserves to know too"
"You're right" Mariana said touching her flat stomach. She couldn't believe there was a tiny baby growing in there.

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