Chapter 1

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A boy sat on the bathroom floor, he's knees to his chest and his head buried between his arms.

In the far right corner of the bathroom, a male pregnancy test sat. Well 4 different ones to be exact.

All showing the same results, positive.

The boy was softly crying as he sat there thinking over what had happened a week ago.

Last Sunday, the Aobajousai high volleyball hosted a party. They had invited Nekoma and Karasuno.

Shōyō wasn't going to go, but after some convincing from his 2 best friends and brother, he decided to attend.

It all happened so fast from there.

Iwaizumi and Shōyō we're talking one minute. Then he was upstairs, in a room, begging for Iwaizumi to hurry up. The next, Iwaizumi was inside Shōyō, without a condom.

They had fallen asleep after a few rounds. Shōyō woke up a few hours later, all alone. He got up and put his clothes back on. Once he was fully clothed, he walked over to the bedside table to grab his phone. But what caught his eye was a piece of paper underneath it.

He picked it up and read it. It may have only been 2 words on total but Shōyō being himself, read between the lines.

"I'm sorry"

He knew what it really meant. What had happened was a mistake, a hookup.

The orange haired boy picked his head up from his arms. He stood up and walked over to the corner where the test layed. He picked all 4 up and shoved them in his hoodie pocket.

He walked out of his bathroom, through his bedroom, and down the hall. Once he reached the stairs he paused for moment, just overthinking of different ways telling his family could go.

After a few minutes, he began walking down the stairs. He made his way through the house until be reached the kitchen.

His pa, Victor, was sitting at one end of the table. Lev, Kenma and Yurio sitting on the right of him. Natsu and Kunimi on the left. His dad , Yuri, was adding the final touches to the meal.

It was like any normal day. Kenma, Kunimi, and Yurio were at the house so often it was as though they lived there.

Yuri had finished their dinner and told everyone. After getting their food, Yuri sat at the opposite end of Victor, and Shōyō sat down beside Kunimi.

As dinner continued, Shōyō held on to the test on his pocket.

Once dinner finished, Victor took the plates to the sink before taking his seat again.

Shōyō took this as a perfect opportunity to tell them.

"Um, I have something I need to say." Shōyō stated, visibly sweating bullets.

Kunimi hummed in response to let Shōyō know he was listening.

"What is it Nii-san." Natsu asked.

Yurio, Kenma, and Lev looked at Shōyō, ready to listen.

Yuri and Victor just looked at Shōyō and nodded, letting him now to go ahead.



Hey everyone!!

I just wanted to say, I hope you like the first chapter of this story.

Have a great day/night!!!

My Greatest "Mistake"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant