Chapter 16: All Hallows Eve

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Grimm lead you into a room with a table and what looked like a squash on the table. You learned as you got closer that the plant was a pumpkin. "Quite big don't you think? We got it from the last destination which was big on farming, you should've seen the size of the rest of the plants." He heartily chuckled while you smiled at his warm personality and wanting to do something with you.

"It's almost the day when we were created, did you know that?" You shook your head at his question. "Right, that was a silly question, you hardly know anything about us." He held one of his hands behind his back in embarrassment as he held the child with the other hand, which was having a bit of a nap.

"Well let's get started shall we?" He picked up a carving knife and struck it into the pumpkin, splattering juice all over you.

"Oh my, my dearest apologies Y/N, I should've warned you about the splash." "It's ok!" You giggles as he was being so apologetic toward you. He smiled at your giggles. "It's nice to hear you giggle." You blushed a bit before cleaning the pumpkin juice off you.

He continued to cut into the pumpkin until the top was completely off, then he took out a seed and toasted it with the candle nearby. He popped it into his mouth and ate it with a satisfying crunch. "This is a good batch to eat after it's done being in the spotlight."

He handed the knife to you as he got the guts of the pumpkin out and thrown into the trash. You had an idea in mind as you cut the pumpkin.

When he came back to you, you had cut of the pumpkin to look like Grimm with holes for his eyes. "Fine craftsmanship indeed, but it needs a little something extra." He took the knife and began to cut your face next to his.

"Oh my, you have good cutting skills." "It's all from practice my dear, living as long as me has benefits to it." You nodded agreeing with him as he finished cutting his part of the pumpkin.

"And for the final touch." He light a flame in his hand and put it into the pumpkin, giving it the same odd flame as the lights. "All done, let's put it near the entrance." You nodded as he took the pumpkin and carried it out the door.

He set it at the entrance and looked at it, smiling at the work you two did. "Hey Y/N, got a song for tonight?" You suddenly thought about songs you could sing or hum to not disappoint Grimm

"I think I do." He nods as he sits on the cold ground, watching you with unwavering eyes. You cleared your throat before proceeding with the song.

There was a night that some bugs say,
That brings all of Hallownest scares for days
Although all rumors some still believe
That all things scary are linked to this day
But all you have to do is stay in bed
And wish for all the things that everyone dreads
To go away like Autumn leaves
And whisk away all things every bug dreams

You finished and gave a little curtsy to Grimm, who clapped at your performance. "Bravo my dear, beautiful and seasonal." You grinned as he got up and motioned you back into the tent. "Let's go back inside, it's getting awfully cold out here."

You both headed in the tents and walked to your rooms, although there was a part of you that didn't want him to leave. You gripped his hand as you got to your door and looked up at him. "Can you please stay with me? Well, until I fall asleep."

He nodded as he did a exaggerated sigh. "Very well, I will stay with you in your room until you sleep." "Thank you." He nodded as you went into your room, following behind you. The Grimmchild gave some agitated chirps as it saw the both of you enter.

"Sorry buddy, I promise to give you some time in the future." They only gave a nyeh and went on your shoulders snuggling you. You laid in bed as Grimm day next to you. "Goodnight Y/N, May your dreams be as sweet as you are."

He held onto your hand as you felt yourself falling quickly asleep, recounting the day and the wonderful time you had with Grimm.

Grimm held onto her hand as she fell asleep, watching over as both the child and her got cosy. "And may one day we be united in unison." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving and shutting the door.

(Got it out, it's pretty late out here but it was worth it, hope you enjoyed as usual and stay spooky. See you next time!)

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