Chapter 15: Fine Dining

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Grimm soon arrived back at the room with a plate of food for you. "Here you go Y/N, I didn't know what you liked so I grabbed the stuff you seemed to enjoy yesterday." You nodded as you took the plate and started to eat still having manners probably from Grimm being in the room.

"So I've noticed that you are a bug of few words, why is that?" You looked up at him and gazed into his eyes while thinking. "Well, I always thought since I was left alone that no one would want to hear my voice. I was gonna sing to the townsfolk before.." You shuddered at the thought, which made Grimm come over and pat you on the shoulder. "There there, you don't need to tell me about it. I can tell that it is a difficult memory for you."

"Thank you, I don't like thinking about it." He nodded as you went back to eating your food.

After you were mostly finished you gave the rest to the child which gave some happy coo's as it ate. "Have you taken a liking to my son?" "Oh yes I have, I quite enjoy raising him." He gave a small chuckle before he smiled warmly. "That's good, I wish it was the vessel but you are a better parents just from being able to show it affection, almost like a mother."

You nodded to his words, checking on the child to see if it was still doing well. "Well, what do you think about me then?" You got a small blush as you recalled all your thoughts toward him. "Well, you're a very nice bug to be around, and you're also such a gentle bug."

"That's nice, most of the time bugs think I'm imposing and whatnot." "That's just because you're like super tall and you have red eyes, no bug that I recall has red eyes." He laughed as you gave his description. "True, I've never seen a bug with red eyes like mine ever."

The child was finished with its meal as it flew up and flew around in circles around the both of you. "Little guy has a lot of energy, did you have this much energy when you were a child?" He put his hand to his chin in thought, before shrugging. "I don't know, I've been alive for so long that I can't recall anything about my childhood."

You nodded before he spoke up. "But, I do remember my mother, oh what a wonderful bug she was." "Oh, what was she like?" You asked with intrigue.

"Well, she was a monarch butterfly, very rare from where she was living at. She was a beautiful butterfly too, instantly earning the love of my father. She gladly accepted to be his wife, but it was the mistake of her. He kept her all to himself and didn't allow her to go outside to see any of her friends."

"Thats horrible, why was your father so mean?" "Because it's just the way he was." He took out a bottle of what you could only presume was wine and poured himself a glass and giving you a glass too.

"Anyway," He started again sipping the deep red liquid in the glass. "The only bugs besides himself she could see was Devine and Myself, which had been born from her. She devised a plan with Devine to try and end the nightmare of her living. When it was time to burn my father, she quite literally burned him alive, almost corrupting the ritual but still getting the possession of the heart to me."

He sipped when he was finished and looked at you. "She could've lived such a long and good life, but the possibility of living with a charming man like my dad was too good to pass up." I'm...I'm sorry Grimm." "Don't be, it's all in the past and she knew what she was doing. Plus, you wouldn't see me if she didn't have me."

You nodded as you took a sip of the wine. It tasted very bitter but it was probably an acquired taste. "Well, what should I do now Grimm?" "I think we should go out and do something fun."

Your heart skipped a beat as you heard this. "T-thank you, I'll follow your lead then." He nodded as he headed out of the room, you following right behind him.

(This was longer than expected but I'm glad that it came out like this. Next episode will be Halloween based so stay tuned!)

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