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those two chapters about disorders were mostly just add ons to spread awareness, her mom and dad are still away for the month!!

y/n pov:

tuesday's are the worst days of the week, you have 3 more days after till the weekend, and you just had monday
i got dressed into sweatpants and a cropped long sleeve shirt
i decided to skate board to school since i got ready so early and i had time to do so
when i got to school i was right on time so i walked right to class

y/n: hi
i said sitting down next to a random guy cause kairis out today
?: hi
y/n: i'm y/n
jaden: i'm jaden
he said smiling
he was obviously really cute but duh i got a boyfriend i'm loyal
we talked and laughed the whole class and he walked me to my locker afterwards
when he left i laughed to myself as i grabbed my binder

mattia: who was that
he said coming up behind me
y/n: what happened to hello
i said laughing
y/n: his names jaden and i talked to him today cause kairi isn't here
mattia: he looks interested in you like he kept lookin at ur body or some shit
y/n: well then he's just another boy i thought was better than he is, dang
mattia: it's ok, when kairis there you can just forget that asshole

but he was so nice, probably just wanted to get in my pants :/

i just shook it off and went to my class with alejandro

he noticed something was off and asked me but i told him it was nothing
honestly it was nothing, i was mostly just thinking about how lucky i am that my guy friends aren't like that :)

i leaned over and hugged him lightly and he hugged back while laughing
ale: ur weird today
he giggled
y/n: bitch i hug you all the time

the teacher came in and we got to our work that was on the board

once i got home from school i facetimed  kairi telling him about jaden

kairi: omg y/n he is known for acting like a different person around every different girl just to make them have sex with them
y/n: can't believe i almost thought he wanted to be friends

we kept talking for a bit and he said he'd be in school tomorrow, a family thing came up today

thank goodness

author note:
how y'all doin today😌😚

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