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(love leaving y'all on cliff hangers✋🏼)

y/n pov:

after being passed out for what felt like hours i woke up slowly opening my eyes and bright lights were being shined into my eyes

i hoped and prayed i just passed out at the party, got taken home (hotel) and i'm waking up to sunlight

but no that's not what went down

i fully opened my eyes to still being at the party when people's phone flashlights in my face

??: y/n! y/n! ur up omg thank God
y/n: hello? who is this?
mattia: it's me mattia!
i sighed in relief and sat up a bit
y/n: wtf just happened and how long was i out for
mattia: u we're out for like 10 minutes
i signed in anger now just wanting to be in bed

mattia: we think someone drugged ur drink but whatever they put in it worked to fast and instantly knocked you out, luckily kairi and robert were near you so nothing happened
y/n: holy fuck! who drugged my drink cause i was only with people i knew... wait!


??: y/n is that you?
y/n: uhh yes??
??: perfect

out of flashback

y/n: i knew she took my drink!! i knew it was suspicious
i accidentally said out loud
mattia: what?
i told mattia the story thats slowly came back to me

he called kairis phone to ask who that was

kairi: i honestly have no idea, probably someone that just hates y/n or has something against her
mattia: damn that's weird asf, ok we'll meet up with u guys in a minute

he helped me off the couch i was laying on and carried me bridal style to the car, kissing me a few times

mattia: ew yo lips taste like all that nasty ass stuff u drank
y/n: whatever i drank was scrumptious tbh
he fake gagged making me laugh
y/n: i'm starving though so we're ordering room service when we get back to the hotel
mattia: ok same

we got outside seeing the whole group and the cold february breeze hit me horribly

he noticed and put me down wrapping his arms around me while we all waited for the uber
y/n: damn it's so fucking cold i'm freezing my asshole off
they all looked at me
y/n: what??
kairi: nothing...
y/n: shut ur short ass up and hangry asf
des: betttt we gonna order some GRUB at the hotel

we all got excited when the uber pulled up and we piled in the back
i sat on mattias lap putting my head on his shoulder shivering
that uber was so damn cold

mattia: ur so hot
he whispered in my ear giving me mad butterflies
y/n: ur way hotter though
i smirked into his neck kissing it as well which made him shiver
mattia: stoppp
he smiled big kissing me on my lips passionately
we looked over and saw des and robert roughly making out

poor kairi and Alejandro in the middle of the two couples lmao

we got back to the hotel and ordered so much food
like so much

after we mega munched we did out own things
robert and des went into a bedroom (😏)
kairi went to shower and alejandro showered in the other one
roshaun and alvaro went to a different hotel room that one of the influencers invited them to hang
and me and mattia went into the other bedroom(😏)

we just gave eachother head cause we didn't wanna fuck when everyone is home that's kinda weird
but des and robert definitely were

mattia: that was amazing, now let's go eat more
y/n: i've never been more on the same page

we laughed and ate more while watching netflix and the rest of the groups slowly joined us

authors note:
i spammed today for y'all so i wanna hear some thank yous pls🙄✋🏼

can u not- Mattia PolibioWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt