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(can someone teach me how to shake ass
i add me on snap and i'll show u me attempting to shake my bag of bones: nikkifranco17)

y/n pov:

we woke up the next morning and i looked crusty and musty
i had a huge hangover and horrible headache

i'm guessing mattia already got up cause he wasn't next to me
we all had to share the two beds so this is how we all slept last night:

1st bed: mattia slept in the middle of me and kairi
2nd bed: robert slept in the middle of des and alvaro
then alejandro and roshaun really wanted the couches for some reason

so now it was just me and kairi chillin but he was still sleeping
i went on my phone for a bit until mattia came in with water and advil
i took the advil and chugged the water
it hit so different omg

i eventually got up and put this on

since it's so hot out in LA today compared to how it is in new jersey rn kairi was last to get up but he did and also had a bag hangoverwe decided to all walk down to a breakfast place cause we were starving then after breakfast we will go to play...

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since it's so hot out in LA today compared to how it is in new jersey rn
kairi was last to get up but he did and also had a bag hangover
we decided to all walk down to a breakfast place cause we were starving
then after breakfast we will go to playlist things like fan meetings and shows

after breakfast

we did two "fans ask us questions" shows with other influencers and then went to a random mall and put on our stories that we were there so that we could more freely see our fans

it was so much fun i love meeting them and talking to them like i've known them for years

we were standing on the 2nd floor of the mall and a group of fans were on the 1st floor
we both laughed and kissed passionately

(but not sexually ofc that would be weird, just lovingly to give them what they want, a fast loving kiss)

they all cheered and after a bit later we left the mall to go back to the hotel

des: soooo are we partying tonight
des said taking off her shoes when she walked in
y/n and kairi: hell no
alejandro: i'm still so tired from last night but we're here another night so we can party tomorrow night
y/n: idk if i'll go cause something always goes horribly for me
mattia: just don't drink! and let me drink so i don't gotta watch over u
he said laughing
y/n: ok, kairi u wanna stay sober with me?
kairi: yes

so tonight we're gonna invite some creators over and just chill at the hotel

we invited avani, charli, Anthony, chase, polo, mar, seb, madi, lilhuddy, and cynthia

they all arrived around 7 and we all just hung out, watched shows, baked, made tiktoks and all that

me and avani made hella tiktoks and everyone loved our friendship and i love it too
i haven't seen cynthia in a while either but she was more talking to mattia than me

it was kinda awkward but i didn't wanna start anything or start arguments or fights so i stayed quiet and hung with the girls

madi pulled me over unnoticeably to ask me something
madi: cynthias like all over mattia rn
y/n: ya i know idk what to do ab it
she smirked at me and told me an idea

i love it

i went over and slowly sat on mattias lap and cynthia took her hand off his shoulder fast
i looked over at madi smiling then connected me and his lips together roughly
he obviously went with it cause he would never put down a make out sesh

cynthia got up and walked around as i pinned his arms more down and broke the kiss
i stood up and went back over to madi
kissing him like that wasn't uncomfy cause most of the couples were making out anyways

i looked back and he looked at me confused and frustrated

y/n: that went perfectly, ur a genius bruh
madi: ik ik! that's not the first time she's done that, she does that with my bfs too, she talks to them like she's not flirting but reals them in, it's weird

we talked about it for a minute until i got a text

mattia: pls come back over in horny nowwww
i laughed at the text
y/n: no, go do that with cynthia
mattia: fuck, pls don't get the wrong idea

i secretly showed madi and she smiled at it
madi: that's exactly what u want to happen, u got him completely hooked on u tbh

i smirked at him and he looked down at his u know what then back up at me

madi: now go get him queen! and i'm gonna go attempt to hook up with alejandro
she said laughing

i walked back over to mattia
mattia: what was that all about
y/n: oh nothingggg

i kissed him again and pinned his arms up making him shudder
i went down to his jawline slowly and onto his neck
instantly finding his sweet spot

i went back up to his ear
y/n: come on, we can't do this here
he agreed and we went into one of the bedrooms

we walked in and saw des and robert WTF AGAIN

y/n: oh shit des i'm sorry!!
we ran out laughing our asses off and went into the other room still laughing
y/n: i can't believe that just happened
mattia: didn't they just fuck yesterday
y/n: literally
mattia: anyways moving on
he pushed me onto the bed lightly and crawled on top

after kissing for a few minutes i got impatient and
flipped us over fast

mattia: damn u do that fast

i laughed a little and went down to his waist line kissing it making his breathing hitch
i love having this power over him

mattia pov:

i shut my eyes letting the amazing feelings run through me
the power that she has over me is insane
like she drives me crazy everyday, never leaving my head
(living rent free bitch)

i was getting impatient but at the same time the teasing felt really good

(i'm at over 1000 words already and i don't wanna make this annoyingly long so basically they had seggs and all that😏)

we layed there out of breath next to each other

i looked over at y/n and damn she looked hot asf

back to y/n pov:

i looked over at mattia and he was looking at me as if i was his whole world (i'm sure i am🙂✊🏼)

and lemme tell u he looked GOOD
i put my head on his bare chest and closed my eyes from being so tired

till we heard a knock on the door...

authors note:
long ass fucking chapter holy-

can u not- Mattia PolibioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora