Chapter 1: Another Victory

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3rd Person POV


"Ahhhhh!", Javelin screamed as she got thrown off because of the intense explosion, immediately Laffey assisted her in getting up. "The Sirens aren't going easy on us aren't they?", Cleveland asked," Yeah they're getting stronger each battle",Hornet agreed. They're in a difficult spot right now almost all their ships are in desperate need of repairs only a miracle can save them.

And a miracle it is.


The Sirens are destroyed by bombs dropped by Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers which only one ship can launch a squadron of them and its, Enterprise, the strongest aircraft carrier in the Eagle Union. She pulled her bow and shot an arrow, the arrow soars into the sky like an eagle flying free. The Siren got hit in the chest and immediately exploded."She has done it again",Hornet said complimenting her big sister, "its the forty-seventh time she saved us from certain death", Arizona said.

Time Skip

At the base, Enterprise fell to her bed, she was so tired she fell like a bomb and then drifted of to sleep.

The next day she was awakened by the rays of sunlight. She saw Belfast opening the curtains." Good morning Enterprise,have you slept well?",Belfast greeted,*yawns*,"good morning to you too Belfast", Enterprise said as she slowly went to the bathroom to shower. She later went out and changed to her clothes, she was about to get a ration bar to eat as breakfast but was stopped by Belfast,"you are not eating those from now on",she said taking the ration bars with her,"breakfast is ready let's go",she said, Enterprise disappointingly agreed. The duo went to the dining hall.

Enterprise went outside to check on the ships that need repairs. On her way to the repair docks she took a moment to look at her ship,"looking proud as always", she said with a little hint of pride. She then continued her walk towards the repair docks.

After all the work she returned to her quarters and drifted off to sleep.

Azur Lane: A Journey To The Heart (Enterprise X OP! Male Reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now