Part II

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The song definitely grows on you. I thought after two hours of nonstop listening to that one song.

I chuckled involuntarily. Things at the firm were most likely a mess and I would definitely get an angry call from Mr. Kim later tonight but here I was jamming to some song. Pretending to be someone I was not.

I quickly made a mental note to go to the boutique Soo Min and I went to earlier. Maybe she left behind a note, a phone number, an address, anything so that I could get in touch with her.

"Okay, 20 minute break while we change the set!" Someone yelled and all 7 members cheered.

Some boys were summoned by their stylists to get their hair fixed while the rest went straight to the dressing rooms for an outfit change.

"What do we do now?" I approached a stylists who seemed about my age.

"Now we wait" She said calmly. "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. Plus, the boys are really nice and cool, so half the time it doesn't feel like work."

Because it isn't. I thought. Not mine anyway.

Flashbacks of this morning's events came back. I should've just gone to the office without the damn coffee. I shouldn't have abandoned Soo Min at the boutique either. 

How can a company hire someone and not pass a photo around. Anyone could've walked up to that manager and claim to be the person they were waiting for...

"That's just stupid!" I muttered under my breath.

"Did you say something?" I turned around and almost bumped into Jaebeom. "Uhm..I just thought how exciting this all is."

"You must be bored. And you also look a bit uncomfortable." He took a good look at me.

"You know you don't have to dress like that." He pointed at my navy pantsuit. "Just wear whatever you're comfortable in!"

"Oh...okay" I stammered because I didn't know what else to say.

Then I remembered why I was there. I'm an assistant, right! "Do you boys want me to get you something? Food, drinks, coffee. Whatever."

"I'd like a whatever, please." The striped shirt guy from earlier, Jackson, declared.

"I see. You're making fun of me." I said with a smile.

"You're still nervous. There's no need for that. Relax!" Jackson continued.

I was about to say something when my phone rang. I quickly checked the caller ID. It was my colleague.

"Your timing sucks."

"What? I see you're joking. You're feeling better already?"

"No, not really." I answered, while taking a few steps back.

"Listen, I don't know how sick you are but you better show up tomorrow."

"I'll be there."

"I have to go now. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, bye."

"That sounded serious!" Jaebeom stated, but it felt more like a question.

"Yeah, I have to be somewhere tomorrow."

"A family thing?" Jinyoung chimed in.

"Something like that." 

"Aww, so we won't see you at all then?" Jackson pouted and Jaebeom cringed. "Too soon?" He asked his band member.

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