Part I

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I yawned for the nth time as I waited in line to order my coffee. Early mornings and I really didn't get along.

Why the hell did I agree to such an early meeting?

I looked up from my phone but the line in the coffee shop wasn't moving. The same girl stood at the front, probably ordering coffee for half of Seoul.

Her long, silky hair was in a ponytail and she had a thick fake fur coat on. She was about my height, 5'5, but the oversized coat was hiding her figure.

"Please hurry up! It's my first day and I can't be late." I heard her exclaim. Her voice was laced with panic.

I checked my phone again. I was already 10 minutes late and there were three people in front of me.

For a second I thought about leaving without the coffee but the idea was ludicrous. I needed my morning shot of caffeine to be able to deal with people.

I looked around but I couldn't see any other barista.

Great! Guess I'll be late then.

Meanwhile in front of the JYPE building...

JB p.o.v.

"Where is she? Oh she's gonna hear it, being late on her first day!"

"Hyung, what's wrong?" I said as I walked past our manager. Everyone else was already in the van but he was still standing on the sidewalk, looking up and down the street.

"Come on in, we're gonna be late!"

"I can't." He said, "The company called this morning saying they hired a new assistant. Told me she would be here at 8."

"Well, it's 8:15. She's already late, so I couldn't care less about her."

"We have to wait!" He looked at me apologetically as I opened the door to the van.

At the same time inside the coffee shop...

"Oh thank God, looks like she's done!" I let out a loud groan and heard chuckling behind me. Instinctively I turned around.

"I hope they have coffee left for the rest of us." A man in his 30s said with a smile. I noticed the line behind him reached out to the street.

"Yeah, me too."

"I've never seen you here though! Are you new in the area?" He added.

"Yeah." I kept my answer short, indicating to him I wasn't interested in small talk.

At the exact same moment another barista appeared behind the counter, and without thinking, I made a beeline for her. I took out my phone and checked the time again.

I looked down for two seconds only but it was enough time to create a disaster. All I heard next was a shriek, followed by gasps. I felt the warmth of the spilled coffee on my shirt and pants, I didn't have to look up to see who I bumped into.

The girl who stood at the counter for fifteen minutes placing that huge order was now crying in front of me. I looked to my left and right. People were shaking their heads, afraid she might place her order again.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Please let me buy you new coffee!" I offered her some napkins so she could wipe off her equally ruined outfit.

"It's okay. I'm already late. If I show up now I'll probably get fired on the spot." She sounded defeated and it broke my heart.

"Where do you need to go? I'll come with you! I'll explain everything." It was the least I could do. She was obviously some businessman's assistant. Although she looked young, her outfit looked very sophisticated. Now her silky, cream-colored blouse and dress pants were ruined.

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