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Aizawa POV

It had been a few weeks since the diagnosis. Co teaching with Zashi hasn't been awful. I do plans for homeroom and he does them for English. Speaking of his plans for English, apparently the students get to pick an American movie to watch. 

The top voted one seems to be White like Milk Red like blood (A/N: It's Italian, but leave me alone.) We began watching the movie. It seemed fine at first. A stupid romcom I guess. All of the sudden it got real. The main girl had leukaemia. She looked just like Paige.

I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. I was about to have a break down. I needed to just tough it out but I could feel the tears threatening to spill. I paused the movie.  

"I... Need to go"

I ran out leaving my class confused. I went straight to the teachers lounge hoping no one would be there, but knowing my luck there would be.

Midnight POV

I had a free period, so I was grading papers in the teachers lounge alone. No one else had a class off the period, so Imagine my surprise when Aizawa burst in.

"Aizawa shouldn't you be covering Mic's class this period?"

I smiled knowing he was probably just annoyed with the class. He dropped down to his knees and started sobbing.

I had never seen him cry before. Hell I had never seen him show emotion.

"Aizawa, oh my god!"

I rushed up to him and checked him for injuries. Finding nothing, I just held him. After a few minutes he calmed down.

"What happened?"

He looked at me and walked to the couch. I followed him. We sat next to each other for a few minutes before he said anything

"Paige is sick."

That doesn't make sense. Why would he cry about that?

"She's been sick before. A cold won't kill her."

I patted him on the back trying to comfort him.

"No, but leukaemia might just."

Oh no. She's 'sick'. Like terminal illness sick. 

"I- I'm so sorry."

I didn't know what to say. What do you say when a 5 year old is dying?

"It's why me and Hizashi have this system. She's in the hospital 24/7 and neither of us can bring ourselves to leave her alone."

That makes so much sense.

"Who knows?"

He refused to look at me.

"Mic of course, but besides that just you and Nezu. We only found out a few weeks ago. She passed out on her birthday and we brought her to the hospital. It just keeps getting worse, and the kids voted to watch some movie about a girl with leukaemia, and she looks just like Paige. I couldn't take it."

He's been bottling it up. This isn't good.

"Shouta, I think you should consider talking about it to the staff and UA. They could help. We all think of Paige as a niece. We love your little girl. I'll grade some of your papers for you, and I'm sure some of the other teachers will split the rest."

He hesitated so I spoke again.

"Just think about it."

With that he nodded and went back to class.

Aizawa's Daughter (when the party's over)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora