c h a p t e r - e i g h t e e n

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"Fine, I will shift then," Aayrah said. Shivansh chuckled hearing her.

"Pune will not suit your wild soul. You are better off being in Mumbai. That life suits you better," he said and ruffled her hairs much to her annoyance. She threw a glare at him and he just shrugged it off. Shivansh was surely getting close to her more than he ever thought.

"That's true too. Besides..." Aayrah said agreeing with him and let out a sigh. She shifted her playful gaze at Chirag who was giving some goofy poses while Ahana clicked his pictures. A smirk formed on Aayrah's face as she spoke further, "I can't be arrogant." Chirag stopped and looked at her with annoying expressions. Shivansh shook his head in disappointment while Ahana and Aayrah contained their laugher.

"Who says we are arrogant? Shiv..." Chirag said getting offended. Aayrah started laughing loudly and so did Ahana. Shivansh just looked at them hopelessly as Chirag spoke again, "She is insulting us." Shivansh rubbed his temples and looked at Chirag.

"Relax, bro," he said keeping his hand on Chirag's shoulder.

"No," Chirag said crooking his eyebrows as Aayrah and Ahana started laughing again. Shivansh smiled looking at his friend who had a frown on his face.

The seats got exchanged for the rest of the journey with Aarayh shifting on the passager's seat while Shivansh taking the hold of steering. Aayrah tied her strands into a high bun and watched the road as it passed by her side. The river beas ended with the arrival of Sandarnagar and it stated there is still some 145km till they reach Shimla. People were already exhausted and wanted to be in Shimla but sadly there was still a lot of distance to cover, So instead, they thought of taking a halt for some time at one Dhaba on the way and fill their souls with some delicious north Indian food. The whole route was dotted with eateries. There are not many fancy restaurants, but these small roadside dhabas are good to the taste the authentic North Indian food. They selected one Dhaba and had hot chapatis and delicious Indian curries while sitting along the bank of the river. It felt divine to be there. There was warmth in the air which felt better in this otherwise cold weather. Just two more days in North until they start their journey back to the West. It sure felt like yesterday that they started this trip and they couldn't believe it was ending already. 

But Chirag being Chirag was positive as he cheered up the three sad souls and he even succeeded in making them laugh. 

"So, Aayrah Mehta, what will you be doing once you get back to aamchi Mumbai?" Chirag asked putting a water bottle in front of Aayrah and acting as a reporter. Aayrah chuckled and moved a few strands of her hair back. She gave a thoughtful look before speaking again.

"I think I will get admitted for MFA course at some good university and side by side start working on one online magazine. I will start on some free platform and if it gets success then will convert it to payable one," she said with happiness clearly visible on her face. Chirag gave her an impressive smile. Ahana and Shivansh smiled being happy for her.

"That's quite a plan," Chirag said. Aayrah moved her gaze to Shivansh who gave his most genuine smile to her as he gestured with his eyes making her feel better about her plan. She had no doubt now. She didn't understand what was the pull she was feeling towards Shivansh and the same went for him. 

"I am happy for you, Aaru. See, I told you that mountains will make you think clearly," Ahana said through her beautiful smile. Aayrah nodded with a smile.

"They sure did, Di," she said genuinely, feeling blessed to be surrounded by amazing nature. She moved her gaze around satisfyingly and looked at Ahana again, "What about you?"

"Me?" Ahana asked raising her eyebrows. Aayrah nodded.

"I know you are not happy being in that company," Aayrah said. She has known the art of reading her sister and knew Ahana wasn't happy with something but she never before questioned her about the same. No, she had some idea about what might be the reason but Aayrah wasn't still sure. She is just throwing the stone in still water.

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