Elizabeth and Josie Saltzman

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I woke up. Everyone was staring at me. Shocked and surprised.
"Oh my God, it worked." I beard Bonnie saying. Bonnie.
"Hey, Bon." I said. I figured she was here to help me wake up.
"How you feel love?"Kol asked.
"Like I just woke up from a long and goooood sleep." I said and everyone chuckled. "How much time..I've been asleep?"
"Two months." Bekah said and hugged me.
"We missed you, Ronnie." Marcel told me hugging me.
After everyone hugged me I said,"Well it's been two months but well I feel as it was yesterday so I didn't actually missed you."
"It's a powerful spell. Kol uttered. "You think you can do it?"
"Uhmm I've been a witch for eight months and I have done many powerful spell. I can do it."
"Six months darling. Asleep for 2." He teased and this time I rolled my eyes.

"So anything new?"

"Not much. First three  non-Original vampires are here. Lucien, Tristan and his beautiful sister, Nik's old love, Aurora. And there is a stupid prophecy about Mikaelsons."

"What prophecy?"

"...that all three of them will die; one by friend, one by foe, and one by family."


"I know love, I know."



"I guess the spell worked."

"Let me check, darling." He whispered although there are just the two of us here. "Yes it worked. You really are a powerful witch Veronica"

He was grinning. I am so obsessed with his smile. I blushed at the compliment.
I made a bracelet that would protect rhe person who is wearing it from supernatural things even is he or she is supernatural.
"Im going to give this to Hope."
"What's going on with you and my brother, Kol?" Rebekah asked.
"We are working on magic, as you know."
"C'mon Love, we both know that's a lie. He likes you and you like him."
"He likes me?"
"Course he does. He was devastated when you were spelled.  It's clear."
"No he can't. Bekah, we are just good friends."
"You're his only friend and well.... I've known him since a 1000 years. He likes you, I am sure."
"What are you... Oh my God.
Don't tell that is your school book." Kop cried.
"As a matter of fact it is" I replied.

He likes you, I am sure
"Ronica, you're a witch. Hu-witch, as you like to call. Your life is isn't the same now luv."
"You don't understand Kol, it's... it's.. if I don't study what will happen to my future?"
"C'mon you got a gift of witchcraft, you can't abandon it."
"I am not abandoning magic, I am just confused. I don't get 1000 years to live."
Kol paused for a second.
"Okay luv, you know their is a spell for that.... it's easy... I used to do when I used to study."
"Yes darling, it can help you read and understand 100x better. Finn invented it."
He was smiling again. I want those lips so badly.
"Thanks Kol." I said quietly. "By the way, you should knock and come." I was kidding. I mean he should but well.
"Oh Ronnie! I thought we were beyond that." He was beaming at me, I returned it.
It was...
"Not to interrupt whatsoever I want to thank to Ronica for what you did for Hope today." Klaus murmered
"Really Klaus?" I said. "I will protect her as I can and you know that."
  "I do."
"So what is the plan today?" Kol asked. We made a bet, whoever lost will become the servant of the other for a day and I won.
"I am thinking." I told. "Ohh wait... Caroline's babies were born today. Let's go to Mystic Falls. "
"Have you ever wanted to die? I asked.
"No. Never. Although I have been killed. Twice." He said beaming. "You?"
"Not in a while."
He rested his hand on mine's. It was romantic. But it wasn't.
"'You know most of the ring witches Don't know they are witch." Kol told me.
We are in Mystic Grill.
"Should we go to see the babies?"
"You should. Caroline won't be happy to see me."
He wiped the corner of my mouth.
"There was something on it." He said. I am so much into him
I went to see Caroline. The babies are very cute. Elizabeth and Josie Saltzman.
We're in a hotel. A hotel. Long story.
I am just done with shower.
I wrapped towel around myself and looked for my clothes.
"Aaaarghhh Kol? Gimme my clothes."
"Say Kol is the sexiest vampire alive and then I will." He was smirking.
"Noo. Whatever. Kol is the sexiest vampire alive. Happy?"
"Thank You love. Take it."


"You were born here, weren't you?" I ask Kol.

"Yes. My parents here after losing a child. Well as you know they didn't actually lost ...blah blah." He replied. "You know, luv, I have to meet an old friend." He smirked. Damon Salvatore. I remember. We are in the Grill again.

"Yeah. I am gonna get some air." I really don't want to meet Damon.

I was almost outside. Suddenly my head started paining severely. 

"AAAAH" I started crying. 

Kol came to me. I was on my knees. He wrapped me. "Stop it please. It hurts. 

"Look at me Ronica, love. What's happening?"

"I don't--know--aaaah--my head is burning and tearing--Kol help me--pleasee---aaaah." It's Obliterating.

"I don't know darling. What should I do?" He kissed my forehead. On any other circumstances I'd be happy but well I'm feeling like I'm tearing apart.

And when the pain was it worst, it stopped. I lied my face on Kol's chest and he kissed my head.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I whispered.

 Two witches suddenly appeared. I know they are witches because they magically appeared. Like apparition. 

They started taking me with them forcefully. I was too week to do magic.

Kol tried to stop them but they blew him away.

"Why are you taking me?"

"Because you are an impurity. Ring witch. You don't believe. We will suck the magic out of you.

And honey I am afraid it will be painful. Much painful than your headache." One of them said.

"No please....." I yelled. "Kol.."

"..I'll save you Veronica. I promise."

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