Harry stress

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Harry's POV:
Lately I've been really stressed management have been on our backs about finishing the album.
We haven't had a day off in at least two weeks so I was pretty tired and to add to it me and the guys where told we had to finish three songs by tonight . It was currently 3:30pm and we where all in the studio when I started to get a bad headache from trying to think of something to finish the song.
I decided to go take some pain killers to hopefully ease the pain in my head so I could continue on with writing cause I knew the guys wouldn't believe me if I said I was feeling ill cause they would think I'm doing to get out of finishing the songs.
As the night went on my headache continued to get worse and worse to the point I couldnt concentrate.
I tried to talk to Louis but he just shut me down.
"Hey Louis Im not feeling to good I have a really bad migraine and I feel really dizzy"
'Stop making excuses we are all tired but we need to get this done' was all he said
"But I'm really not" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I was cut off
'Harry just stop we are all tired and warn out but your little excuses to get out of this isn't gonna make things go faster' was all he yelled.
Hearing him yell just made my head hurt even more than what it aleeady did but I knew I had to finish this.

About 30 minutes later I was started to feel really light headed and dizzy but I knew none of the guys would believe me so I just tried to ignore it. All of a sudden a loud noice was made and I felt myself falling.

Louis POV:
Harry had been complaining all night that he felt shit but I knew it was just a game he was playing so he could go home. As the night went on Harry stopped contributing all together when a loud bang was made I suddenly saw Harry's figure start to fall.
I tired to catch him but I just missed him and he landed on the floor. All the guys rushed over trying to wake Harry up. After about a minute he opened his eyes. He had tears in his eyes and suddenly I realised he wasn't lying when he said his head hurt. I felt soo bad I immediately started apologising to him but he just told me to be quiet and I understood why.
We all knew Harry had to go home so I went to call Harry's girlfriend y/n. After talking to her on the phone she immediately took Harry home for him to rest.
Me and the boys spoke to management and we luckily got a week off to relax.
It took Harry about 3 days till he was feeling better.
Soon enough Harry was back to his usual self and luckily for us it gave us some time off and we finished the songs in no time after our break.

So what do you guys think
Any recommendations on how I can make it better or story ideas let me know

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