"Guys," she said exhaling some smoke, "is the s or c silent in scent."

Johnny and Dally looked at her in amazement. It was hilarious to them to have someone with them who was funny when high. Two-Bit and Steve mostly ate, Pony usually got sad, and Soda, well, Soda didn't smoke anymore.

"I think it's the c," Dally reasoned. Johnny disagreed.

"Wait, so what happened to Soda?" Georgia laughed.

"Oh god," Johnny handed the joint back to her, "last time he got completely stoned. Like, totally blitzed. And he goes into the street and lays on his back, and goes 'Don't move me y'all I'm a speedbump now."

"Yeah, and when we tried to move him he goes, 'It's my civic duty'," Dally was almost in tears.

"Speedbump Soda," Georgia snickered. This sent them back into a fit of laughter. Once it calmed down Georgia had another question lined up. "Random question Johnny, but do you have a girlfriend?"

Johnny and Dally looked at each other, both of their faces showed they were three seconds away before dying of laughter. When Georgia muttered 'what', they couldn't help it. Johnny laughed so hard that he had to clutch his sides. Dally's head was in his hands and his body shook from giggles.

"No," Johnny wheezed, "no I definitely don't."

"Sorry, I didn't-" she started but Johnny cut her off.

"No," he was still laughing, "no it's not that."

"Johnny doesn't like girls," Dally breathed, "it's just funny 'cause everyone thinks it's obvious. Especially 'cause of his giant crush on-"

Dally's face was met with a chunk of dirt. Johnny had grabbed some beside him and thrown it directly at his head.

"Shut your trap, Dal," Johnny was serious all of a sudden. There was still a smirk on his face, but he obviously didn't want Dally to say a word more.

"You're too old for him anyway," this made Johnny leap over and tackled Dally. They wrestled for a minute, all the while Johnny was shouting 'Shut up, asshole'.

Once both of them had settled down and were sufficiently covered in dirt, they sat in a circle without a word.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Johnny then asked.

"No," Georgia jested, "kissed a girl at a party once but that was it. What about you?"

"No, Dally's too prideful to be in love, or feel anything really, even though deep, deep, deep, very deep down, he's a softie," before Dally could chuck dirt back at Johnny, he said, "We're even."

After sitting for a while longer, the group decided to make their way back inside. They found everyone enthralled by Darry playing pool. When they got to the table, it was clear he was making his way through the crowd, beating everyone who tried. Being the only sober one at the party, it wasn't like Darry had immense difficulty beating everyone.

"Let me try," Georgia piped up from behind Johnny. Darry's wrinkled his brows then motioned for her to come to try.

"This chick's gonna beat us all at everything," Dally grumbled, memories of his record being destroyed coming to mind.

"Not me though," Johnny sassed, "Can't beat me in poker."

Darry racked and broke the balls, getting two solids in followed by the two, and three balls. He missed by a hair on five. Georgia wasn't worried. Of all the things she'd busied herself with in Chicago, drinking and hustling people in pool were near the top of the list. She managed to sink nine, ten, 11, and 12 in a row but missed on 13. Darry then got five, and six, followed by Georgia with 13, and 14. This was looking to be a very short game. Georgia realized at this point it must've been late because lots of the people that had been there before had left.

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