Chapter 1: Hello Diana

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"Really Vic, I thought you were beyond name calling by now."

Her voice is sultry and low, smooth in your ears like the whiskey in her tumbler. Completely at ease in a couture Givenchy pantsuit that likely cost more than one of your production budgets, she sat with her legs elegantly crossed in a leather armchair, tipping her glass to vermillion lips. And as the flames danced in the imposing marble fireplace of one of Shanghai's oldest and most exclusive supper clubs, they reflected off an enormous ruby ring gracing her middle finger.

Victor scoffs, taking a sip of his own whisky and glancing at you as you follow suit with the virgin cocktail he ordered on your behalf while you were in the restroom.

He was so infuriating at times, but at least it wasn't warmed milk.

"First of all, you weren't meant to hear that. Secondly, I hardly consider 'dummy' name calling. Far worse exists when it comes to options, as I'm sure you can attest to, Diana. You've used quite a few in your day."

Amusement spreads across her fine features as she throws her head back in laughter, the sound enticing even as it disrupts the low chatter in the room. However, none of the men looking her way seemed to mind. She was brimming with so much joie de vivre that even you weren't immune to her charms, smiling despite the anxiety that sat heavy in your chest from the very moment Victor introduced you to Diana Shum that evening.

You didn't quite know why you felt ill at ease, especially towards someone who was doing you a favour by brokering a major deal on behalf of your company. Well, more like doing Victor a favour, since he was the one who made the request. Perhaps this was how all men felt in the presence of such a woman: elegantly confident and unapologetically vivacious, drawing attention everywhere she went.

"Are you still dredging up stories from our Oxford days, Victor? Not very gentlemanly of you. How do you put up with him?" Diana turns to wink at you and the spotlight of her attention makes you feel like the only other person in the room. "Let me assure you those boys deserved every insult in the book; one-track minds and transparent to boot. They should consider themselves lucky I even acknowledged their sad existence."

"Di, you made the Prime Minister's son cry. You should've seen those puffy eyes the next morning at the swim meet against Cambridge."

Victor raises his brows, subtle amusement colouring his expression. And simple though it was, the sight of his handsome face so transformed by the faint smile on his lips made your heart race.

No, there's no way. It's probably just the fatigue catching up to you. The flight to Shanghai from Loveland City must've been more taxing than you initially thought, even though Victor had graciously offered to let you hitch a ride on his private jet. You place a hand on your chest, trying to calm the frenzied rhythm of your heart. The gesture goes unnoticed by Diana but Victor throws a worried glance in your direction. You smile to ease his concerns. He furrows his brows.

"Oh please, I should've ripped him a new one with the way he tried to get frisky on our date. He's lucky I didn't call Soryu to deal with him and his wandering hands."

A sudden change seeps into Victor's eyes, dark irises softening as if focused on something miles away. "Soryu. How is your cousin doing, by the way?"

Diana leans back, taking another sip of her drink. "You'll see for yourself soon enough. I take it you are accompanying this lovely producer to Tokyo to meet with Eisuke and wherever the Ichinomiya heir is, Soryu isn't far behind. In all honesty though, Vic, surely you would know better than I. Weren't the three of you thick as thieves during prep school?"

You perk up at the topic of Victor's childhood. It was a rare chance to learn about the formative years of this stone-faced man before he became the slave driver of Loveland Financial Group.

"I was only there for a year and a half with Soryu and Eisuke before...before my mother passed. My father sent for me shortly afterwards. I haven't seen them since."

Deep voice trailing off, Victor's gaze shifts to the fireplace where it remains, as if hypnotized by the flicker of orange flames. And as the silence stretches on, you become disconcerted to see him so uncharacteristically lost in his thoughts. You reach out to touch him but Diana beats you to it, laying a delicate hand on top of his much larger one as it rests on the leather armrest.

The gesture is ridiculously small for how much it blindsides you — the sight of her hand on Victor's dazzling like the light reflecting off her ruby ring.

He blinks at the touch, long lashes fluttering in the split-second it takes for him to compose himself and suddenly, the unflappable CEO is back again.

"I'm sorry, it's been a long day and we should probably call it a night. But you have my thanks, Diana, for setting up this meeting with the Ichinomiya Group."

It was Diana's turn to scoff. "Can we please dispense with the formalities, Victor? Soryu mentioned Eisuke was having difficulty finding the right people to make this documentary on the anniversary of his Tres Spades Tokyo hotel, so it was serendipity that we bumped into each while on business in London. It's a win-win situation. Meant to be."

Meant to be.

There is a spark of something in Diana's eyes when she makes that last statement. It stays with you long after you part ways with Victor for the night, lying awake in your hotel room as you wondered whether the LFG CEO was already asleep in his.

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