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-TKO's P.O.V.-...

" Any last words?" I asked as I was about to punch her but, felt a pair of lips on mine. I looked at the person who kis- Put their lips on mine and, And, AND! it was Y/n holy cob I feel like I'm gonna pass out...

-In KO/TKO's Mind, In Author's P.O.V.-...

TKO groaned and pain and sat up wondering where he was, he looked around and spotted 'KO' standing there in his fighting position with a glowing yellow aurora around him" It's time for you to get back in the cage" KO stated. TKO glared at him and smirked: I'm never going back in the cage" he remarked.

They both ran at each other hitting each other in the arm. They flew back due to a motion they hit each other in. They ran back at each other and TKO hit KO in the arm continue this act three times but, KO Blocked him" You can't make me!" he yelled as KO hit him, and he threw a punch at him but, was blocked when KO held his fist with both hands throwing him to ~God~ knows where!

TKO then realized that he was in 'his' mindscape so he smirked and chuckled shooting himself at KO, throwing them both around the mindscape. KO opened his eyes and looked around giggling cause he was... safe? 

" Don't you like being strong!" TKO asked with an annoyed face" If being strong means hurting my family and friends, then it's not worth it!" He yelled throwing himself at TKO. They both shot at each other two times in a row" Did you ever think you could be a hero! without me!?" TKO shouted and shot himself at KO hitting him in the torso with his foot and then teleporting behind him and slammed his fist on KO's back.

KO grunted in pain while TKO chuckled walking towards him" face it KO I'm stronger" He said while showing him a glimpse of his power fist" And faster" He teleported next to KO while crouching down next to him" it would be real? cooler than you~ Facted is... you! need me" TKO grabbed KO by the hair and threw him up on his feet" Now! get up and get back in your cage faker!" TKO punched KO while KO just stood up looking back nervously at the cage behind him" N-no! it can't end like this!" KO yelled while blocking TKO's punches" You can't make me!" TKO retorted while punching him harder.

KO's felt like everything started to get slower and slower and he started to hear a buzzing noise in his ear. KO's eyes widened and he remembered his mom's exact words 'The past to greatness is hard and long! but, ya have to stay' 

' Focused!' KO jumped back and put his hands together while closing his eyes" Ugh! what are you doing!?" TKO yelled in anger" The path to greatness is hard...and long!" KO started to glow yellow while TKO just chuckled walking closer and closer to him" Ahh, are you giving up already? I always knew you were a baby!" TKO laughed and continued walking" There aren't any shortcuts," KO said while just standing there quietly"Don't think I'll take it any easier on you!" TKO really was started to get pissed off so he started to throw his fist at KO but, he missed every hit" Why won't you hit me!?" KO slowly started walking back as TKO followed while trying to hit him, he finally stopped near the cage" so I've gotta stay..." TKO finally took one last punch but, KO grabbed his hand stopping him from hitting him anymore" Focused!" KO grabbed TKO's arm spinning him into a spiral and hitting him with his hand and throwing him in the cage closing the door and disappeared.

TKO chuckled with a bit of a tear in his eye, he touched his lips and smiled cheekily...

-Out Of KO's MInd-... 

KO opened his eye and was breathing super loud, he looked around to see everyone surrounding him" KO! are you ok!" his mom said worriedly, KO looked around seeing that almost everything was destroyed, Oh no... was his only reply, he looked at his mom and hugged her" Mommy, I umm, I'm sorry!" his mom hugged him back while petting his long and spiky hair" I-I d-don't know w-what happened, there w-was t-this kid w-who, he looked just like me and I-I" his mom smiled at his stuttery self and" Shh, it ok, it's ok. I'm just glad your back too normal well, sorta" his mom looked in her pocket and took out one of his headbands, she gave it to KO which he grabbed it, looking at it for a sec and then putting it which somehow made... fireworks around it.

Y/n gasped and ran up to ko looking at his hair, touching it all different ways" How did you do that!?" she asked crazily, KO shrugged his shoulders and looked at everything but, what caught his eyes was her, Y/n, she looked... Different. 

Her shirt had hearts on it and her shorts somehow turned a light purple her hair was in a headband but, was still down. She looked, Cuter.

"KO, I gotta ask...where did you get those powers?" Rad asked anonymously, Enid nodded" Certainly wasn't something that I taught you" KO's mom replied.

KO thought for a second and took something out of his pocket" No... I learned it from this guy" He took the card out of his pocket and showed it to everyone" Shadowy figure..." The card started to glitch and the number eight turned into eight minus" What the heck!? KO don't follow a stranger no matter who they say they are" KO's mom yelled at him worriedly" that seems obvious now" he replied nervously.

-Y/nn's P.O.V.-...

Everyone was talking to KO about what happened but, no one seems to notice that the guy was standing on the roof, also that 'I kissed KO' but, I rather them not mention it anyways but, for all, I care.

But, I just hope Y/n my alter ego gets things back to the way it is when it's her month again! I walked back into the destroyed plaza and got ready to clean up like... a lot.

------Time Skip In Y/n's P.O.V.------

Ugh! it was my time of the month anyway but, I really am bored though. I could just bother Y/nn but, that just seems a bit too boring... Oh! I have an Idea to see TKO. All I have to do is to get Y/nn to touch KO just once and, Boom! I could teleport into KO's mind. All right! now that I have my plan, all I have to do is get her to touch him" Hey, butt face could you do me a favor?" I asked Y/nn and waited for a second " yeah, sure" she answered" well... all I really need you to do is, touch KO's arm for a split second and that's all ok" I can tell she nodded and did what I asked.

I quickly closed my eyes and teleported to where I felt strong sent. I opened my eyes and I was in... a dark place, I looked around and seen a cage... must be where he is I walked up to the cage to see him with his eyes closed laying back. I chuckled in my brain and knocked on the poles of the cage. He opened his eye quickly and got up looking around and seen me. His face was full of sadness and anger, he looked at me and just stood there" He-" I felt a pair of lips crash into mine when I put my head through the pole. My eye widened but... I kissed back. TKO then pulled away and smiled" Hey" I fell back laughing hard cause of how stupid he was when he said it" Hey! What's so funny!?" He asked embarrassingly" n-nothing!'" I kept laughing while he just stood there with a little smile. 

------Time Skip------

 Welp! I did have A lot of fun but, I had to go 'home' cause once Y/nn is asleep I just automatically fall asleep so... yeah! but, we will just wait till it's my month again!... 

Welp! you guessed it! you're an alter ego! And sorry I lied to ya guys but, I felt so... tired at that moment and I thought I would be able to write another chapter but, I fell asleep right on the spot but, here ya go. And when I put this [Y/nn] it means {Your Nick Name}. Also, guys, I have only been so tired lately because I have had to update three books at a time and not to mention I am making other books but, sorry if it takes me a long time to update but, I hope ya liked this one!...

Question Of The Friken Day:

What would you do if I deleted this book and are you tired right now?: Put Answer In The Comments!

From Your Lovely Author... Isabella Sanchez...

Were Not Even Dating || TKO x Reader -currently on hold for a long time-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon