Keep Focus KO!

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The girl went outside of the Bodega And slouched on the wall listening to her hardcore music, still looking at her knife instill; RING! RING!! RING!!!, the girl already knew what it was so she just looked around till she saw KO come out and get into his fighting pose when he saw a portal drop a Boxman box and seen Darrelled come out of it.

-Flash Back-... 

As miny KO and his Mommy sat down on the calm ground and meditated his mommy kept repeating the same thing at least three times by now"Just~ keep your eyes closed and your mind quiet KO... If a thought pops into your head ... just...let it goes" Little KO nodded in response and went back to meditating letting go of any thought that came into his head but, only to be interrupted by a fly crawling on his face. 

Miny KO opened his eyes and frowned making a little; huh? noise. KO brought his hand and tried to whack the fly off but, missed the first try, making a surprised face but, the fly came back on his hand, KO made a frustrated face and whacked his hand and grunted, surprisingly missing again.

KO saw the small fly move to his left and had an upset face plastered on. KO got on to his knees and began hitting the floor Non-Stop he kept this pace but, kept missing the fly.

KO stopped for a second and saw the fly, fly back on to his miny nose. KO made a pouty face and then it quickly turned into an angered face. KO started punching the ground and missed the fly every single punch he let out. 

His Mommy seemed to notice his actions and peeked her eye to see what in the chaos what's going on. 

KO slightly fell back softly hitting his arms and leg on the ground letting the fly finally fly away near his mother. His mother walked up to him and sat on her knees to get a grip on KO to bring her son on his feet once again. KO's mother lifted his chin to see tears plastered on his face with a bit of booger streaming down as well. His mother smiled and gave in a little chuckle. 

" This stuff can be pretty hard sometimes huh?" KO gave a little nod as a reply" The path to greatness is hard... and long" she chuckled again"Maybe even boring sometimes!" his mother got into a squatting position, chanting" but, there are no shortcuts!...Soo?... You have to stay? ...Focuses!" his mother chanted grabbing a hold of the fly not hurting it at all, she let go of the fly and let it fly away" focused" little KO repeated after his mother.

His mother sat back down in the spot she was in earlier and began meditating again. Little KO sat beside his mother and copied what she was doing chanting the word" Focus" he let out a little sigh and finally closing his eyes and repeating the same word"Focus...Focus...".

-End of  Flash back-...

KO stood there repeating the words" Focus KO!".

"Get ready for an extra special beat down!!!" Darrell granting his 'surprise' for KO. KO backed up into his fighting position and chanting the word" Kayyy! power fist!!!" KO spat out throwing his hand out hoping his power fist hit Darrelled but, instead of his power fist hitting Darrell it made a fart noise.

KO looked at both of his hands and Yelled" Noo!" before getting hit by Darrelled right in the face. 

(Y/n) made a; Ooh! sound before snickering at KO's actions cause of how stupid she thought he was but, before KO could fall down he was saved Rad," Needa hand kiddo?" Rad ask KO waiting for a response" RAD YOUR H-" But, he was quickly interrupted by rad showing off how cool he thought he was"I know, I know I am your knight in shining armor, The best of the best! The biceps and triceps? " but, Rad and KO was quickly scared by Enid running to hit Darrell

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