Part 4

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"Ready to go?" Suga asked. Hinata and Yachi exchanged anxious glances while Kageyama nodded firmly. With deep breaths, they stepped inside Aoba Johsai property.

Kageyama could almost feel the air change around him. It suddenly felt cold and harsh, as if they were unwelcome. He wanted to turn around and leave the school, but he forced himself to walk ahead. Hinata asked, "Where are we supposed to meet him?"

"I'm not sure. Probably the volleyball gym." Kageyama guessed. The school campus was huge and spread out across the property; it would take them forever to find the right place. Kageyama felt daunted and dizzy just staring at it all.

"Hey, Tobio!" A voice behind them called. Oikawa was running towards them from a large building. "Over here! The team's in the gym."

"Right." Kageyama stayed half a step behind Oikawa as they followed him back towards the gym. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem," Suga said. Hinata and Yamaguchi exchanged glances. "Why did you want us to come?"

"Because I did," Oikawa replied. He looked over his shoulder, raising his eyebrows at them. Hinata and Yamaguchi hid behind Suga, avoiding Oikawa's sharp gaze. "Here." Oikawa held the door open, and they all walked in. Yachi anxiously stayed by Suga, not wanting to talk to anyone.

The Aoba Johsai volleyball team was practicing inside. A ball flew towards Kageyama, who leaped into the air and caught it. Everyone stopped and stared at him. "Kageyama?"

Oikawa rushed inside. "Hey, chill out! I called them here."

Iwazumi walked over, shaking his head. "You didn't tell us?!"

"I didn't think there was any reason to!" Oikawa protested. The others jogged over until they had formed a half-circle around them. Suga motioned to them all. "Well?"

Hinata bowed. "Hinata Shoyo, first-year."

Yamaguchi followed. "Yamaguchi Tadashi, first-year."

Kageyama didn't bother and instead crossed his arms. Suga sighed and glanced at Yachi, who was shaking. "Yachi Hitoka, first-year. It's nice to meet you all."

They all bowed back- to her, but not the others. "You too!"

Oikawa glanced at his teammates. "You could be nicer about it."

They all ignored him and eyed Kageyama and Hinata distastefully. Yahaba leaned over to Kindaichi and whispered something to him, glancing at Yachi, who didn't notice. Oikawa crossed his arms. "So I called them over here just so we could talk. And so you all can... fix your differences with Kageyama."

Kageyama stumbled: Oikawa wanted him to what? "Wait, what? Fix our differences?"

Oikawa tilted his head, his eyes sending him a clear message: "Don't mess this up," and then cleared his throat. "Kindaichi, Kumini, why don't you show Kageyama and Hinata around?"

They glared at Oikawa for a second before sighing. "Fine."

Kageyama and Hinata glanced at Suga, who nodded encouragingly. They let out their breath before following Kindaichi and Kumini to the other end of the court. Kageyama crossed his arms and looked away when they stopped. Hinata exclaimed, "Kindaichi, so has everything been since the youth camp?"

Kindaichi looked startled. "Oh... um, fine. We practice a lot. For next year. The third years usually show up and help us, but most of them are really busy."

"Too bad," Hinata answered. "So who's going to be captain next year?"

"Yahaba Senpai," Kumini answered. They all looked over at him: he was talking to Yamaguchi and Yachi with a few others. Kageyama uncrossed his arms and took a deep breath. "So how's high school been for you two? Is it... better than in middle school?"

They both saw the meaning behind his question. Kindaichi awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "Not really. It's kind of the same, especially now that we don't have any real matches. Only practice ones, and those are hard to get."

"You could probably come over for a practice match at Karasuno," Kageyama said without thinking. They all gaped at him as he quickly added, "Not that I think you'd want to. I mean, you don't have to. It was just a thought..."

"Yeah, maybe," Kindaichi mumbled. "Uh, listen, Hinata... could you let us talk to Kageyama for a few minutes?"

Now everyone looked at him, surprised. Hinata nodded. "Yeah, sure."

He nodded to Kageyama and went to join Suga, who was in an intense discussion with Oikawa and Iwazumi. Kindaichi waited until he was halfway across the court and then looked at Kageyama. "Listen... I know I have to get over what happened in middle school, but the thing is... the fact that no one picked up your tosses terrified me. Every time you threw a toss my heart would practically freeze, afraid no one would be there."

"What's your point?" Kageyama asked. Kindaichi took a deep breath. "You're lucky to have a partner like Hinata. He can spike anything and... that suits you and your abilities."

Kumini nodded. "You found your equal, Kageyama. That's a hard thing to achieve."

Kageyama was stunned that they were talking to him about something other than how too high his tosses were. "Well... yeah. Thanks. And..." they both looked at him. "I'm sorry. For expecting too much from you back in middle school. My tosses were too high... I just didn't want to accept it."

Kindaichi exchanged glances with Kumini, who's eyes were screaming, "He apologized!"

"Yeah. We're sorry too. I think the others would be too." Kindaichi took a deep breath, and then he and Kumini both held out their hands. Kageyama shook Kumini's and then hesitated at taking Kindaichi. After a second, he slowly reached out and clasped Kindaichi's hand. 

Although it was a tiny gesture, something immense and huge melted inside of Kageyama. It was like a brick of ice he hadn't even known was there was gone from his head... and now that it was, he felt light and free, like something holding him down had let go of him, leaving him free to go on.

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