Part 3

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Yachi screamed when she entered the volleyball gym the next day.

She was the first one there and had been surprised to see the lights turned on. As she turned to the right, that's when she saw him. Oikawa was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"What are you doing here??" Yachi screamed. He straightened and caught her arms. "Hey, relax! I just wanted to talk with you all! That's it!"

"How do I know that?!" She demanded. Oikawa let her go. "You don't. You'll just have to trust me."

Her suspicion faded slightly. "You- you need to talk to us?"

"Yeah. All of you." Oikawa looked around her. "When do they all get here usually?"

"I think they're changing. Um... please don't kill me for saying this-"

"I won't kill you."

"-but you might want to hide? Just so when they come in they aren't too surprised?" Yachi suggested tentatively. Oikawa shrugged. "If you say so. You know most of them better than I do."

He backed off and stood at the end of the gym. "I'll call for you to come out," Yachi said.

"Sure." His voice was, as usual, cocky and mischievous, but there was an anxious edge to it. Yachi stood in the doorway just as they all came around the corner. She trembled, not eager to let them know about their guest. They all stopped when they saw her. Kiyoko asked, "What happened, Hitoka?"

"Um... you have a visitor. Stay calm." She anxiously stepped back a few steps. "Uh, Oikawa Senpai!!"

They all froze. Tanaka repeated, "Oika-"

Oikawa came up behind Yachi, his hands in his pockets. He looked up, his eyes twinkling. "Hi."

Hinata shrieked, "What's the Great King doing here?!?!!?"

Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, and Tanaka were screaming and pointing at Oikawa. Everyone else was gaping at him, stunned. Tsukki merely tilted his head, surprised, and Suga thought, 'He came!'

Kageyama was staring at his former Upperclassman, frozen. Oikawa held up his hands as if holding them back. "I just wanted to say something! Let me have my piece, then I'll be out of here."

His voice was almost amused at their reactions. Daichi glanced at Suga, who gave the tiniest of nods. Oikawa noticed it. "And, Suga-chan... thanks."

It looked like it was taking all of his effort to say it. Everyone gaped at Oikawa, who was uncomfortably looking down now. Suga flashed a smile. "No problem. Go ahead."

Oikawa looked up again. "I wanted to apologize. To Tobio-chan."

Everyone turned toward Kageyama in unison, who was stunned. He tried to say something, but his voice wouldn't work. Oikawa took his hands out of his pockets. "I'm sorry for the way I treated you in your first year of middle school. I shouldn't have lost my cool like that and I almost punched you. Thankfully, Iwazumi stopped me, but I still almost did. It's just... you had- and still, do have- natural talent that I never have had and never will. And that game where you replaced me... that was kind of the last straw for me. I couldn't stand it and I... I'm sorry. I kind of ruined things back in middle school for us. I don't expect you to do anything or to forgive me."

Oikawa walked towards the door, and everyone parted to let him through. Kageyama said, "Wait-"

"I have to go. So bye. And... good luck." He saluted with two fingers and pushed his hand out, clicking his tongue. "I'll be seeing you all."

No one moved as Oikawa walked down the path and disappeared around a building. Kageyama dropped his bag and threw off his jacket. Daichi started, "Kageyama-"

But he was already running to catch up with Oikawa, who had already reached the sidewalk outside of their school. "Oikawa Senpai!!" Kageyama yelled, sprinting towards him. Oikawa paused and turned around, surprised. 'He followed me?'

"Oikawa Senpai..." Kageyama stopped in front of him, putting his hands on his knees, panting. "I- why are you apologizing? You're the one who got overlooked, not me."

Oikawa looked to the side. "Yes, but... I shouldn't have been jealous. Suga was right."

Kageyama straightened. "Suga?"

"He's the one who told me to work things out." Oikawa was almost forcing the words out. "Tobio-chan... you're an amazing setter. I hope you go far one day."

Oikawa's cocky-self being gone felt strange to Kageyama. It felt like he was talking to an entirely different person. "I... thank you."

Oikawa remembered what Suga had said: 'Kageyama respects you... he still does. You should see him when we're talking about other setters. He goes on and on about how amazing you are and were. Sure, he's a little bitter, but only because he envies your skill. There's a reason why he asked you to teach him to serve.'

"Did you... look up to me in middle school?" Oikawa asked. Kageyama looked up, surprised. "Yes. All throughout middle school I wanted to be just like you. Even after... I knew."

"Suga said you still do." Oikawa's normal personality was coming back slowly. He pushed his hair back and crossed his arms, almost daring Kageyama to answer with his eyes. Kageyama shut his eyes and clenched his fists. "I... I do. Sometimes."

Oikawa didn't reply; his mind had been blown away completely. "You what?"

"I... I look up to. As the best setter I know." Kageyama said through clenched teeth. "After the match against Shirotorizawa, I told Ushijima that I'd prove to him that I was a better setter than you."

Oikawa was so shocked he let this slide. "But I was terrible to you. I never helped you when you asked-"

"That doesn't make you someone I can't admire. You were my hero just like the Tiny Giant is to Hinata. Sometimes... you still are." Kageyama locked eyes with Oikawa, who practically jumped back when he saw them: Kageyama's eyes were anxious... but they were also respectful and full of admiration for Oikawa. "I... I should go. Back to practice."

He had only made it a few steps when Oikawa held out his hand to stop him. "Hey, wait! Maybe- maybe you could come by Aoba Johsai tomorrow? With Hinata and Sugawara? And maybe a manager?"

Kageyama turned around, surprised by his offer. "I- sure. I'll ask."

"Thanks. See you, Kageyama." The smallest trace of a smile flicked across his face for a split-second before he turned around and sprinted away.

Kageyama stared at him, his mind whirring. Oikawa was trying. He was really trying to fix their past.

The only question was if Kageyama could too.

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