Julie's POV ~

(In the studio)

Julie: Ok, I talked to Flynn. She was confused but agreed. Carlos I could tell was excited and suspicious, and Dad he was worried but was understanding. He will have food out at 6.

Alex: Ok, so we have it set up, but what do we do when we get there? What do we say?

Reggie: We have to explain the ghost thing, right?

Julie: Yea, and the Caleb thing and Luke thing.

Alex: Are we sure this is a good idea.

Julie: Maybe not, but it has to be done. For Luke.

Reggie and Alex: For Luke.

(Luke walks in)

Luke: Whats for me?

Alex: Nothing.

Luke: Right, my best friends took your side. (Looks at Julie)

Julie: (Looks down)...

Luke: Well, I guess I should leave then.

Reggie: You could stay and I don't know, CARE!

Luke: I told you, I'm done with getting hurt by the people closes to me. (Looks at Julie again but with more of a hurt expression)

(Luke starts to walk out)

Julie: Luke! W-

(He flashes out at the sound of her voice)

Julie: -ait. He won't even talk to me.

Alex: He will, we will figure this out.

(Julie nods in agreement)

Julie: I'm going to go, I'll be here early so we can talk before. Ok?

Reggie: Yea, ok.

(Julie leaves)

I don't know how much longer I can take this. I see him like that, no emotions, no love because of me. You have too, to keep them safe. That isn't going to work much longer you know that. Yea, I do.

Alex's POV ~

Reggie: I feel so bad for her, she shouldn't have to think this is all her fault.

Alex: I know, but we will fix this. I think your little stunt you did yesterday with Luke worked, did you see the way he looked at her the second time?

Reggie: Yea, he didn't look numb anymore, just hurt.

Alex: But that's a good sign, even if it's a sad one. He's feeling, we just got to get him to want to.

Reggie: I still think as much as we try he won't break all the way through.

Alex: We got to try, Julie won't let herself do it. Even if she needs to. 

Reggie: Lets just focus on stopping Caleb, then she can get him back.

(5:45, Julie goes to meet the guys)

Julie: Ok guys, are yall ready?

Alex: As ready as we will ever be.

Willie: I'm here, and I can help.


(Alex pulls him into a tight hug)

Alex: Thank you for coming.

Willie: For you, always.

Alex: J-

(Julie is wide eyed)

Willie: Wait, can you see me?

Julie: Um, yeah. I didn't think I was going to be able to.

Alex: Well this is good, but I have to know the plan. How are we doing this?

Julie: So I thought about it and obviously yall can't eat, so dinner doesn't make since. But I can bring them out here before we sit down for dinner. It is just one more confusing thing that we will have to go through tonight.

Reggie: Ok, that sounds good.

Willie: So are yall just going to play so they can see you?

Alex: Yeah, if we play a soft melody, we will be visible and can talk.

Julie: Ok, I'm going to go get them, Flynn just got here. 

(Julie leaves)

Reggie: This is about to get real.

Alex: Hey Reg could you give us a second?

Reggie: Yep, just me always in the way of love.

Alex: (Rolls eyes) Willie, I'm glad you came. I kinda needed the support.

Willie: Of course, I will always be here for you. I know it's hard to see Luke all no emotions, but you will get through this.

Alex: Willie, I-

Willie: I know.

(They kiss)

Alex: We do this together.

Willie: We do it all together.

Reggie: Yall are just too cute, I want something like that.


Julie: Ok dad, this might sound weird.

It's time.


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