A spattering of respectful greetings came from the three of them, as they bow to acknowledge the presence of the Crown Prince. 

“You know our names! So freaking cool!” Prem says, still smiling from ear-to-ear. “You’ve always been my favorite Prince, but don’t tell Fluke.”

“P’Ohm, I think Prem enjoyed the open bar a little too much tonight… Is there any way that we can send him home right now?” Fluke says. 

“Of course. That’s not a problem at all,” he replies, raising his hand in the air to signal for some help. “I’m sure P’Kao can arrange that.”

In no time at all, Kao arrives by the young Prince’s side.

“Yes, Your Highness,” he says, nodding politely at everyone, doing his best not to meet Earth’s eye, still recovering from the encounter they had not too long ago.

“Phi, can you arrange for a car for K’Prem? He’s not feeling well and needs to get home right away.”

“Certainly, Sir,” he responds, quickly taking his phone and posturing to make a call. “Should I call the infirmary for assistance?”

“Oh, no need, Phi,” Fluke answers. “He’s just a little--”

“I’M DRUNK,” Prem interrupts. “Helloooo K’Kao! Can you please tell my radiant friend Earth that you didn’t mean to be a dick, you were just too busy checking him out and--”

“Heyyy,” Earth says, stepping beside Prem so fast, squeezing his hand to get him to stop talking. “You’re such a chatty drunk, aren’t you, Ai’Prem? Open bars don’t agree with everyone.”

“Uh, sure,” Kao replies, trying to brush off the increasingly awkward exchange. “I should get the car prepared for K’Prem. To which address should we take him to?”

“Actually, can I go with him?” Boun says. “I feel responsible for him since he was just trying to match me. I really had no idea that he had such a weak tolerance. I’d feel a lot better if I could see him get home safely? That is, if you guys don’t mind.”

“Not at all. I understand. We’ll have plenty of time to spend together in the coming days,” Prince Ohm says. 

“If you’re leaving too, I should go with you guys then,” Earth chimes in, the disappointment in his eyes shining through. 

“No, stay,” Boun insists. “You haven’t even taken half the photos in the Palace that you said you wanted to. Besides, all these people… I know you wanna stare at them a bit longer. We’ll be okay, I promise.”

“Yeah, please stay,” Fluke seconds. “This night is so stressful… I’d really love it if I had my best friend with me till the end.”

“Sometimes I hate that I can’t say no to you,” he replies, all his usual sass melting away at the whole-hearted request of the future Prince.

“Thank you, K’Earth,” Prince Ohm says. “I’ll see to it that you’re properly escorted home tonight, right P’Kao?”

“Yes, of course. Another car will be available for you when you’re ready. Just come find me,” Kao answers. 

“See??? K’Kao and Earth. It’s destiny, just like Prince Ohm and Flukie. THAT RHYMES!” Prem says, laughing joyfully at his own joke. 

“Alright, it’s been a really exciting day,” Fluke says, turning Boun and Prem to the direction of the main doors. “You should get some rest.”

“Hold on,” Ohm says. “We should all have a photo together first, shouldn’t we?”

“I knew you were our future ruler for a reason,” Earth says, looking around for the Palace’s professional photographers. “I’ve been dying to get noticed by these guys the whole night. They take the most beautiful photos.”

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