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Today is Saturday, I was off work so I didn't have to get up early in the morning.
So when I got up it was about 10 a.m
I had nothing to do, so I decided to go to the nearest cafe for breakfast.
I put on a gray sweatshirt, it was quite warm so I went in shorts.
I grabbed my wallet and house keys and headed to my destination.
The road passed me peacefully, so I didn't have to be nervous in the morning.
I usually didn't go to this cafe early
I used to come here mainly after work, then it's well after 6pm.
Inside, I sat on my favorite spot tucked in the corner  
It was not very crowded compared to the place in the middle of the cafe
I was wondering what I could order
After a long while the waiter came up to me and asked what I would like to order.
I opted for coffee and my favorite tiramisu cake, as well as MOCHI
When I came here after work, I remembered the names and faces of several waiters who work here.
However, I did not recognize the one who just went to ask me about the order.
Thought maybe he was new here.
He was a short man with blonde hair and looked quite young in terms of age.
His hair partially covered his face so I couldn't see it
He seemed a bit confused and in a hurry
The waiter brought me my food and coffee.
I bet today on sweet things, I love eating them once in a while
I was eating in peace when two guys walked into the cafe.
They looked like some gang, lots of tattoos and black torn clothes.
I felt something bad was going to happen
And I was right
after a while one of the guys grabbed a chair and started throwing it
A man came out of the kitchen - apparently it was the manager of the place.
He started to tear the boys apart and drive them away
I kept it all aside for this
I would not even move from the place if it were not for the greater aggression on the part of those
One of them started struggling with one of the waiters, the blonde boy wanted to help when suddenly he was knocked to the ground by the other
Without hesitation, I decided to help as soon as possible 
I don't look, but I'm strong enough
It was fast, and in a matter of minutes the entire gang was already outside.
After all, I went to the blonde to ask if everything was okay.
- he didn't do anything to you, is everything okay? -
-Yes, sure thank you for your help, we wouldn't be able to cope-
He replied by combing his hair and I could see his face.
Amazingly, he had a very girlish beauty, long eyelashes, big full pink lips
I helped him clean up after the situation
And I started getting ready to leave.
I left the premises and started walking home,suddenly someone grabbed my shirt sleeve.
I turned to see the blonde boy.
-I wanted to thank you again for helping with those guys, also for staying and helping me clean-
He said flushing slightly
- easy going, anyone would do it in my place, so you know-
- not everyone, your're kind, I could repay you somehow?-
-you don't have to, it's nothing -
I responded by waving my hand, then I walked home
I felt awkward because he wanted to be polite but I rejected him...
Apart from the fact
my evil soul forgot about it immediately
It ended before it began.
I came home and threw myself on the bed
It was almost 13 o'clock.
I had the whole day to myself to relax
I wanted to spend it alone at home with film on netflix and alcohol.

Regards, enjoy reading / 659 words

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