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Waking up, I sniff at the odd, artificial scent of my surroundings. I blink open my eyes, squinting at the bright light above me. My neck feels stiff and crusty with the dried blood and I shift in the hard, woven branch nest that I've been put in. 

As my eyes adjust, I take in the sight of deep, blue colored walls and a soft grey pelt replacing the grass on the ground. I smell wood and lacquer, noticing many human things surrounding me that I have no name for. By my best guess, I can assume that due to the high concentration of the boy, Peeta's scent, this must be his den. 

I hear the click of the door and flatten myself to the woven nest. Peeta walks in and I press my ears to my head. He glances at me and I smell something delicious coming from the flat thing he holds. He slowly kneels down on the floor and sets the item between us. I breathe in the appetizing scent and sit up a little, but still hold my ears back. 

"I figured you might be hungry, so I cooked some chicken up for you," he says and I look at the pile of pale meat. "After all, foxes are notorious for raiding chicken coops, so I figured it couldn't hurt." I tentatively reach forward with a paw and step onto the grey ground, feeling it crawling up between my toes as I stand on it. Slowly, I slide out from beneath the cover of the nest and reach forward, snatching a chunk with my teeth and darting back to the nest. 

Munching down on the juicy meat, I feel the fur on my neck and shoulders fall, resting calm against my body. I quickly realize how hungry I truly am and glance at the flat disk, my tail swishing ever so slightly. Peeta smiles at me and slides it a little closer to me. 

"Go on," He says and I glance up at the pale face. "It's for you. I'm not going to take it back." I snatch another piece and turn my back to him, eating it quickly. Peeta sighs and I hear him getting up. I chew up the chucks of meat carefully and lick at my jaws and paws, cleaning them of the juices.

I settle back into the nest and lay my head on my paws. Peeta sits up on his own kind of nest, raised up higher than I am from the ground. I listen closely and hear a rumble as he moves around up there and I curl up, trying to drown out the noise and fall back asleep. 

I'm kind of stuck for now, I suppose, under the watchful eye of this kind human. My neck is stiff and I feel a slight difficulty breathing, suggesting that the rock that was thrown at me most likely broke a rib or two. I roll over, trying to get comfortable but I groan as I hit the bruised part of my ribs. The moment on the bed ceases and I see his feet come over the side of his nest and he looks down at me. Peeta gets up and looks at me, reaching out his hand to me. I flinch away and he sits down a couple strides away. 

"You okay, Girl?" He asks and I lift my head a little, sitting up. I try stretching out, but I wince and Peeta comes a little closer. I look at his hand, and slowly move a little closer to him. "Did you open your neck back up?" I walk the last couple steps and duck my head beneath his hand. His fingers gently brush over my ear tips and I raise my nose to gently sniff at his hand, coated in ashes. He pulls his hand back a moment, before gently laying his hand over my head again. I stretch up to let him, but I wince and turn my head to the side, biting at the ache. "What's wrong there?" I feel his hand brush the swelling and I yelp, moving away from him.

Peeta sighs and moves a little closer. I glance at him and lay down, showing off the large knot on my side, over my ribs. "Oh God. What the hell happened there? I don't think you looked like that when I found you." He touches it and I let out a whimper. "Those pieces of shit hit you with something, didn't they." I look up at him and he sighs, shaking his head. "You poor thing." I blink at him and he glances at the nest he made for me. "Let me see if I can find something to make you feel better and maybe make your basket a little softer." He gets up and starts for the door. I follow, but he stops me with his foot, gently.

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