Cute Jealousy (Moriyama x Reader)

Começar do início

"N-no, am i heavy? Sorry for causing you trouble" You said, he shook his head and smiled.

"Anything for you (L/N). I'm sorry too." You looked away hiding your blush but Moriyama noticed it.

"You're so cute when you blush"

"S-shut up! I'll hit you!"

"Eh? You got a Kasamatsu virus?!"

"No! Now shut up or i'll really hit you" You threatened him.

"I'm jealous (L/N)" He said with a serious voice, you raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because i want you to get my virus too--"



Your cousin with his team saw Moriyama carrying you through the hallway going to the nurses office. Suddenly, lewd thoughts of you and Moriyama entered their mind. Kise's nose began to bleed as Kasamatsu noticed that and hit him.

"Stop thinking about that! I'll hit you"

"Eh! You're already hitting me senpai!"

"Shut up!"

Yeah, you really caught a Kasamatsu virus.

~ Timeskip ~

A week has passed since Moriyama kept bugging you again, asking you to go out with him even just for once but you as usual kept declining him. He even walks you home saying that it'll be dangerous for you to walk alone and blah blahs.

But this day, you found it weird as you didn't saw Moriyama following you around. You looked around finding him and ignoring the series of greetings of students to you.

You were so confused as you felt a sudden lack of energy by not hearing that man's voice. At first you just shrugged it off thinking that you'll be happy without him but when lunchtime came. You still feel something was missing.

Admit it, you miss his annoying presence.

End of school came but you were still confused on what you feel. Walking side by side through the hallways, you finally saw Moriyama with another girl, you noticed the two was smiling at each other and you can't help but feel angry. You felt a pang in your heart as you hid yourself and exasperatedly sighed as you walk away from the scene.


It was lunchtime when your teacher asked you to go to the gym to get something from the coach.

As you were about to go in, you heard a laugh of a girl and it seems coming closer to you. You opened the door revealing Moriyama, Kobori and the girl. Moriyama was about to say something but you quickly walked past him, not even bothering to look back.

Feelings of hurt, sadness and anger filled you. For you, it was weird being so angry like that... Never in your life you felt that emotions except now.

You kept ignoring him as the time goes by. Moriyama on the other hand was confused on why are you acting like that. Normally you'll just say anything to him and kept shooing him away but now, you completely ignore him.

"Yoshi?" You heard a girl's voice called Moriyama behind the two of you. You felt a pang on your heart again, you turned around seeing the girl who he accompanied in the gym.

"(Random girl's F/N)" Moriyama smiled as he replied back, your heart broke into pieces. They were on their first name basis. Moriyama was about to introduce her to you when you suddenly walked away from them. Tears blurring your eyes, why you feel that emotion? Was that called Jealousy? You don't know, as you kept walking away.

Moriyama on the other hand followed you, worried about how you act towards him leaving the confused girl behind. When he finally grabbed your arm, you turned around and slapped him hard. Moriyamas' eyes widen as he saw you crying.

"How dare you cheat on your girlfriend, you bastard!" You said as you glared at him, lucky for him no one was around. "You're courting me when you had a girlfriend?! Are we collectibles that you can keep on collecting then throw them away when you don't need them anymore? YOU'RE GRO--mpph" Moriyama kissed you on the lips making your eyes widen in surprise. You were about to punch him but he quickly held your hand.

"You're misunderstanding something" He said, serious tone was obvious on his voice. You looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"What? Tell me? You're just toying her? We have hearts to--mmph" Moriyama kissed you again, that was two points in a row though xD you glared at him.

"I'm gonna kiss you again if you talk" He threatened as you sighed and signaled him to continue.

"(Random girl F/N) was my cousin..." You quickly looked at him. Not quite sure if you heard it right.

"W-what? Come again?"

"She's my cousin, (Random girl F/N). You're misunderstanding the situation (L/N)" You suddenly felt ashamed of yourself on acting like that. Jawdropped. Moriyama noticed this and chuckled.

"D-don't laugh!" You said as you blushed, feeling ashamed. You wanted earth to eat you and never go back again to reality.

"Are you perhaps...." Moriyama said "Jealous?" That question made you flinch as you looked away blushing. You rubbed the back of your head.

"N-no w-why am i" You said as he chuckled again.

"That's cute (F/N)~ Really Cute~" He said. You wanted to faint right there right now. His deep voice echoed through your mind making you admit your feelings.

"F-fine! I'm j-j-je-- uhh jealous!" You stuttered, he go infront of you and leaned to kiss you. You kissed back, his kiss washed away your jealousy and anger, feelings of love flooded you two. Heart skipping a beat. When the two of you broke the kiss he smiled at you and held your hand.

"You are my one and only. (F/N)"

You felt so happy when he said that. A feeling of tingling sensation on your heart made you go blush. He really is flirt heh. Your one and only flirt boyfriend.

That was the start of your new chapter in your life...

Loving someone made you so inspired as the days,months and years go on...

And now, you're pregnant on your first baby.. And ofcourse... the dad is...

no other than your flirty husband.

Moriyama Yoshitaka.

~Happy Ending~

A/N: I made this too long xD haha thank you very much for reading my fanfics and i almost reached 1.5k votes OMG xD

Thank you very much for your support my dear readers! I love you :) I really appreciate all your votes, reads and comments ^_^ Please bear with me more xD LOL

Next~! : A surprisingly oneshot! (Dare)

Kuroko no Basket Oneshots ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora