It was a fireproof f/c turtleneck top tucked into black leather pants with matching gloves. It also had goggles so that smoke wouldn't get in my eyes. "Woah Katsuki this is great!" I exclaimed

(Back to normal time)

I walked out in my hero costume and Katsuki turned to me "That looks great sis. You still look ugly as hell, but the costume looks great" he said smirking "Awe thank you Katsuki it was all my idea" I said, his face dropped "I fucking hate you" he said and turned around. 

I looked around the room, a lot of people already had partners. That's when I saw Todoroki staring at me, being a little weirded out I waved. I could see Shoji wave me over "Hello Y/n, we were wondering if you would like to join our team." he said, "Of course!" I exclaimed

He smiled and we started walking to where the Battle Trial will be. We just chatted until everyone arrived.

(the epic explanation)

"Alright will Team A and Team D please come down to start the first round of the battle trial?" All Might announced, "Can the rest of you go inside to watch the round pleas?" He motioned us into a room. "It's really cool seeing the Number 1 hero in person right guys?" I looked over at them Shoji simply nodded and Todoroki shrugged. I huffed and sat down in a chair 'Wait Midoriya is on team A and Katsuki is on team D. SHIT THEY ARE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER!' i thought, my eyes widened and smoked puffed out of my hands "Is everything alright Y/n? You look stressed." Shoji asked, even if I couldn't see his face I could tell he was worried.

"I'm fine, I just needed to let off some steam I guess" I joked, both of my teammates looked at me with a dead expression "Oh come on that was funny," I said slumping into my seat. I started fidgeting with my gloves "Hey queen how are you doing?" mina yelled rushing up to me "Oh hey girl, I'm going great!" I responded "I'm doing wonderful as well, and may I say you look stunning" I turned pink by her compliment "You look really good too Mina," I said she squealed "We SO have to take a selfie together!" she exclaimed pulling her phone out "Wait you brought your phone, I thought we couldn't!" I asked "SHH I don't want anyone to know, here put your number on my phone so that we can text later!" she said handing me her phone.

After a little while, it was announced that Team A had won the first match

"Will Team B and Team I please come down to start the second round of the battle trial" All might announced "SHIT GIRL YOU'RE NEXT GOOD LUCK!" yelled mina, I simply waved. Smoke puffing out of my hands. "Are you nervous? You seem to use your quirk when you are." Todoroki asked, "Heh yeah I'm a little nervous." I said looking down at my hands "Just a little?" he asked. He could clearly see the amount of smoke coming out of my hands "Yeah okay I'm pretty nervous, I don't want to hurt anyone haha" I said trying to stop the smoke before it hurt anyone's eyes. "How could your quirk hurt anyone?" he asked "Oh well smoke hurts people's eyes, especially if they try and see through it. My quirk makes it so that I can see through smoke" I could see an idea strike him as I said that. 

"I have a plan"

"READY? GO!" All might shouted.

All three of us ran into a building, Shoji used his quirk to hear if anyone was in the building. He concluded that there was in fact people in the building. "Guys hold my shoulders and close your eyes, I'm going to lead you to where they are," I whispered they both put their hands on my shoulders and we started walking. Soon a quiet popping sound had filled the room, thick smoke followed soon after. I saw the room with the bomb and Ojiro and Toru were looking around. I moved my shoulders to signal I saw them and I stopped using my quirk. The smoke immediately went away and they saw us "Guys!" I yelled they opened their eyes and "Jump" he said. we both did and Ojiro and Toru were stuck to the ground. 

"Team B has won!" All might announced as Todoroki started to melt the ice with his quirk and I tried to help "Don't do that, I got this. Go celebrate" he said shooing us out of the room. 

"I didn't even get to see anything" Mina whined "Sorry about that" I nervously laughed "Hey loser, you did good" Katsuki complimented "I know" I simply said walking away "Woah what's up with her? She was so nervous before?" I heard Sero say "Hey tape face, if you're going to say something about me, at least make it quiet" I snapped "O-oh sorry," he said "Nah, I'm totally messing with you, don't worry about a thing," I said smiling. He sighed "Thank god, I don't want any pretty girls being mad at me" once I realized what he said my face went pink "T-thank you, but you shouldn't say that kind of stuff with Katsuki around," I said looking around for Katsuki 

"Oh him? He might have a nasty attitude but I'm not scared of him" he said laughing "Well that's good!" I said laughing with him. "Not fair! Sero stop flirting with everyone!" Denki said I stuck my tongue out at him "Stop being so jealous Denki and actually do something then" I said. His eyes widened and he started stuttering "Nice one Y/n!" Sero said laughing. We high-fived "Now if you will excuse me I must go M'sirs," I said tipping an invisible hat at them. "M'lady," Sero said 'tipping' a hat as well.

And with that, I walked to the girl's locker room and pulled out my diary

Dear Diary, Today was absolutely amazing...

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